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As I was making my way through the forest till a seen a Pelican. It seemed like crashed here not too long ago so it did seemed like a few people could survived I looked around and it seemed like no one was out till I heard a large bang coming from the in side of the Pelican. I forcefully opened the door only three men survived the crash
Soldier: "Thank you kind sir..."
They were happy at first till they noticed the X on my suite then they did not looked at me. I gave them some weapons for them to survive against what ever is out there. As I was making my way to my ship I heard the men screams so I ran back as quick as I could when I had arrived they were gone only a bloody trail was left. I went into the ship to see if any of them could have had survived while hiding. Then I noticed a camera I went to the pilot station to find the recording. But there was no power to the ship I started to fix it once that I did I watched the recording. But it did not show what happened to the men but it only showed the men escape in to the ship after that nothing. I went back to my ship till I gotten a transmission.
"This is U.N.S.C. main command all available Spartans and soldiers we need you to go to the section know as "Space X" as soon as possible an unknown craft has appeared in the section and took down one of our ships known as "Eagle" Report any findings in that section."
This is bad if they find my ship or me then they will do anything to get me to talk and even kill me. While I was in my ship going to set it to self destruct before they arrived to track me down by seeing my ship. I noticed three little red dots on my arm and moving up to my head so I ducked down and a blast was fired what ever it was it was hunting me. I set my ship to self destruct in ten minutes but I knew what ever is firing at me might still be around. I took a risk and ran from my ship and down a small mountain while that thing was still shooting at me. Once I made it down the small mountain I found a cave so I took shelter in it. A few seconds later my ship had finally blown up I looked up to the sky and saw a U.N.S.C. ship entering the planets atmosphere I know soon they will find me but I can't leave now till I find out what are these things.

If you want more comment it and I'll make more

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