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The Spartans and what is left of there group had reached to the old supply room they had only six people that survived from most of the Xenomorph's they slammed the door and locked it. It was quite till an old radio broke the silence "Attention any available personnel of the U.N.S.C. a city is being attacked be an unknown animal most of our weapons could barely hurt it. The animal is all black with a very long tail has hair only on.....(hissing)......OH GOD NO PLEASE UHHHH!" The radio was cut to an emergency warning to prevent anyone to enter the city but with an escape hatch in the room that the Spartans were in they were able to leave.
The Hunter had killed the Xenomorph just when it was going to take the head it had intercepted the message and tracked it down into the city. The rain had began to fall the sky was dark lightning could barely light the sky. Then a U.N.S.C. pelican ship began to enter the planet's atmosphere till the lightning had struck one of the engine and made it shut down which made it crash into a power station which cut all the power throughout the city.
Spartan X was the last to climb the ladder till parts of it started to break due to the years of it being underground and very rusted the one he grabbed had broke once that he did and so did all of the others that he tried to grab to stop he fell to the very bottom to the supply room.
Spartan X: "All of you get going I'll find another way out you all help the city now I'll meet you all at your current location so get going."
Once that he was about to leave the room a grenade had fell and it had its pin pulled Spartan X tried to get out of the room but it was too late the grenade had exploded and with that it knocked Spartan X unconscious. Meanwhile the rest of his team was on there way to the city in danger with the Xenomorph hybrid.

While unconscious Spartan X was having flashbacks in his past on the day that he was getting the augmentation remembering the pain the loss of lives even the loss of his own life. Once that they were moving his body out he had shown signs of life and gotten up with no signs of brain damage or anything he was tested for six weeks and he was cleared to join an elite Spartan program. This program was a secret till the war with the covenant had started they were dispatched after Spartan 117 and his crew had destroyed the first covenant ship, they were not assigned numbers instead given the first letter in their name as their new name. The secret Spartan program was called "SPARTAN EXILE" there was only ever six that had even been in it they would be often sent out on suicide mission that most would not dare to touch.

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