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As the Spartans had heard that Spartan 117 was being sent to help investigate as well as the translator. They had to hide Spartan X if master chief were to see him then all of them would be trialed for treason and executed. Spartan X went to the cave he hid before and started to wait till he gotten the message that he had left but it is most likely that he was going to stay for the rest of the investigation.
117: "So this is what you had found."
Spartan P: "Yes we tried almost everything but it seems like it doesn't speak."
Translater: "This creatures language appears to be unknown. There's nothing that I can do to help translate."
117: "It seems that this will be more challenging than I thought."
Spartan D: "If only Spartan X was here he might be able to help us out a bit more."
117: "You know he is a trader to the U.N.S.C. right."
Spartan P: "What did he do that makes him a trader?"
117: "There was evidence of him selling information to the covenant during the war but it was destroyed some how. So we have to use the information that we have on it."
Solider: "Spartans the creature had escaped it killed 20 of our men and a few are injured."
117: "What. I guess we have a hunt now contact U.N.S.C. we are going to need more men. How long ago did it escaped."
Solider: "Almost 2 minutes ago sir."
117: "Alright so it must have not traveled far so let's go now."
(In the cave with Spartan X)
I was relaxing in the cave than I fell asleep then I started to have  dream of my past of becoming a Spartan. All the pain all the lives cost to perfect it. I had died during it but some how I came back to life the doctors were shocked and everything had felt different. But now that I think about I can still feel the pain of the surgery and see all the ones that died.
Spartan P: "Spartan X we need your help now. Can you help us."
Spartan X: "Sure but I'll stay away from Spartan 117."  

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