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As Spartan X began his way to get to his team to get them out before the nuke went off, he found himself above his team as the Xenomorphs coming out of the tunnels several of them falling to the ground as Spartan X's team began mowing them down before they can completely crawl out. Spartan X pulled out a combat spear and threw it at a Xenomorph that was about to lunge at Spartan N, Spartan X jumped down firing his battle rifle shooting a few out of the way as he retrieved his combat spear and he switched to his primary shot gun and started mowing them down as he was holding them back as his team attached grappling hooks on their wrists. Spartan P grabbed Spartan X and all began to grapple their way out of the hive. Spartan X told his team to run as the nuke went off next to the queen the queen was killed instantly and destroying mostly all of the hive. As the Spartans ran to a abandoned research out post only one razorback was the only vehicle left and one radio left on a table covered in blood. As they walked to the razorback a message came to their radio it was from the ship that they arrived in, the UNSC ship Thunderstorm. "Spartans we have a signal of something big heading your way. It came from the cave you all came out of. Your ship will be sent down to retrieve you." They looked around and felt the ground shaking. They all noticed a Xenomorph it looked like a queen but it was much bigger its tail was large and bulky its arms nearly touching the ground its head was twice the size of the queen, as it ran it released a large roar. Spartan X and his team lifted their weapons and aimed at the Xenomorph as soon as the Xenomorph gotten close they opened fired but to no effect its skin was stronger. Spartan X contacted the UNSC Thunderstorm. "Thunderstorm this is X requesting danger close traveling east on our location." The captain followed spartan X's request and released archer missals near his location then the caption gotten a message to release a Havik nuke. "Spartan X you and your team need to get the hell off the planet we were given orders to release a Havik nuke to the planet it would destroy the planet. You have fifteen minutes to get on your ship and get the hell out of there." Spartan X and his team gotten on the Razor back and drove away from the Xenomorph as the archer missiles fell from the sky and to the ground.   

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