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Throughout the night the Spartans and the other soldiers had fought off most of the creatures till the sun started to rise then soldiers started to have the advantage cause now they can see the targets. Then three Evac. Pelicans had arrived to take the remaining surviving soldiers off the planet Spartan X was holding off remaining creatures and placing the last automatic turrets to help get off world once that it was in place Spartan X ran to the last Pelican before it took off. Once they were away from there base it has started to be overrun with the creatures.
117: "What do we tell H.Q. about what was on that planet?"
Spartan X: "I'm not sure on that but if they see me they're still going to arrest me then execute me since I have the evidence to prove that I did not commit treason."
Dr. Halsey: "Don't worry Spartan X we can clear your name now with the saved information that you've kept."
Spartan N: "Does anyone know were we are going?"
Dr. Halsey: "Yes. We're going to earth to let them know what we found on that planet."
Spartan X: "Earth man I haven't been there in such a very long time ever since I was accused for treason."
Spartan P: "Dr. Halsey how are we going to hide Spartan X they'll kill him if they see him."
Dr.Halsey: "I do have a few ideas but we're going to have to change your armor Spartan X."
Spartan X: "I'll possibly expect it but there is no guarantee that I'll do it."
Pilot: "Alright get prepare for slip space everyone were going to earth."
As soon as they had enter "slip space" the unknown space ship had appeared the same one that had destroyed the "U.N.S.C. EAGLE" but a small craft to go to the planet.
(Earth solar system)
Spartan D: "So what are we going to do now how are we going to tell them about what happened on that planet."
117: "When we arrived you all must call me "Master chief" so they won't get suspicious especially you X alright Halsey put the information of X in his files to help clear his name after that we tell what happened on that planet."
As soon as they landed on earth there pelican was surrounded by soldiers armed and ready to fire, Master Chief was the first one off the pelican and when the soldiers saw him they put down there weapons till Spartan X was seen they had there guns locked on him till Master Chief told them to stand down. Then they were escorted to the supreme court to give the information that they had on the planet as well as Spartan X. But till then they hand cuffed Spartan X and brought him to a prison. For over sixteen weeks he'd be in that prison but he never broke in prison no amount of interrogation had made him break no matter how painful it was. After a few weeks the supreme court had seen the information of Spartan X and cleaned his record and set him free from prison and gave him back his rank in the army and he was given a new task.

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