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"I love you so much," I mumbled as I rolled my blunt for after school. "You're always there for me and sometimes we take a small brake until I buy some more of you," I talked to my drug. "Moni, hurry up!" I heard, making me sigh and kiss it. 

"I will smoke you as soon as I get in my car afterschool," I whispered, placing it in my purse then head out to my car. The drive to school didn't take long so I wasn't able to enjoy my music blasting in my car.

It helps me prepare to be bombarded by thugs, wannabe thugs, niggas that have gym for first through third class, and people that had practice before school. And I still don't understand how they be having so much energy early in the morning. 

I let out a sigh and turned my radio down before getting out. I went to head into the building, but Ms. Bawler fine ass made me pause in my tracks. "Damn," I whispered. She went inside and I soon followed behind her, getting the chance to admire her figure.

It's a shame that she don't know how fine she is. I skipped breakfast and went straight to my homeroom. Wish it was with Ms. Bawler fine ass. I swear if she would give me the chance, I'll make her go crazy over me.

Ew, I sound like them... On cue, some of the class clowns came in and started playing. "What up, Moni? You want to match after school?" Someone asked, making me look up and see its Jordan. "Hell no," I replied. 

He sucked his teeth as his friends laugh at him. "Man, you never want to match. But your antisocial ass always smoking on social media," he huffed, sitting next to me. "Well, let my antisocial ass smoke on the media. You not gon' be with me," I scoffed then popped my air pods in my ear.

He kept trying to flirt with me, but I simply kept ignoring him. It's really not that hard when you got Kali blasting in your ear. When I did hear the bell ring, I wasted no time going to my economics class.

"Damn, I'm just trying to kick it with you," he said, making me sigh and fold my arms. "Boy, I'm not trying to kick it with you. I like women. Titties. Big round booty. Pussy," I replied since I was a little earlier than the rest of the class. 

He licked his lips then folded his arms. "Shit, me too," he said, making me roll my eyes. "Get the fuck out my face. Keep bugging me and I'ma bring my thick strap," I threatened. "Hell nah. I'm not with that gay shit," he laughed.

"I'm not with that straight shit. Do I have to write 'I love pussy' on my forehead or something?" I asked, only to hear someone clear their throat. "Some places you should not express your sexuality, miss," my teacher said with a blush. 

"He expressing his sexuality by trying to 'kick it' with me," I snapped then looked to see that Ms. Bawler was standing next to him. "Know what? I'm sorry," I sigh, being the bigger person and just sat down. 

I glanced up to Ms. Bawler and saw her look away from me then hand Coach Hill some papers. I watched her walk out the class, allowing me to glance at her ass. "I know you won't be able to hit that," Jordan whispered. 

I sucked my teeth and glanced to him. "I know I won't. Don't mean I can't admire from a distance," I mumbled then tuned into my work. 

Damn, I know I can treat her right with her fine ass. I shook my head and got to work. I spent the rest of my day like always by being in my thoughts, making me miss my blunt. Ms. Bawler fine ass didn't make it no better since I take her last before my early release. 

When I say I dashed to my car, I really ran through the halls to get to my car. I took a deep breath as soon as I my ass touched the seat. I placed my bag in the passenger seat and grabbed my blunt. "Hey, baby," I smiled, grabbing my lighter and try to light my blunt. 

I sucked my teeth and struggled with my lighter. "C'mon, man!" I shout, searching for another one. I leaned back in my seat and looked at my happy drug. 

I heard a knock on the door, making me quickly glance up and see Ms. Bawler. I quickly hid it and let my window down. "Looks like you're having trouble," she snickered, handing me a lighter. "You not going to tell?" I asked, making her look at me and smile. 

"No, I smoke too," she said as I happily lit my drug. "You want to hit this?" I asked, giving her lighter back to her. "I don't smoke while I'm on the clock," she sighs, making me sit back and stare at her as I exhale the smoke. 

"Then what you doing out here?" She asked. "Free period. I was heading to get lunch. The real question is why are you parking in the teacher's area?" She asked with a soft laugh. "Do you see how packed it be over there? Y'know everybody has a license now. I saw some freshmen driving around at one point," I laughed, making her laugh and place her hands on her waist. 

She pointed to her car, making me look over and see a nice-looking BMW. "It's just a X1, but as long as you don't park in that spot, we're all good. Okay?" She asked, earning a nod from me. "I got you. We can match after school if you want," I bravely said while taking another inhale. 

She looked around before leaning down and take my drug from me. She took a hit then inhaled through her nose. "I'll think about it," she mumbled then went to her car. I looked at my blunt then back at her. 

I couldn't help but smile to myself and take a slower pull from my happy drug. "I'll take that indirect kiss," I muffled then started coughing. "My crushing ass," I mumbled to myself then pulled off from the school. 

I went home and ordered some food and did some homework. I know, I know. Who does homework while high? I always have some more to smoke, and I would like to have my food here already before I get high again. 

That second high is when I get relax and post on my social. "Let me see what I'm working with to-" I smiled then immediately frowned once I saw my jar basically empty. "Got damn," I squealed, snatching my phone and immediately called my plug. 

He immediately answered, making me smile. "What can I get for you?" He immediately asked. "Uh, let me get a quarter," I answered. "Ight, that'll be seventy for you, love," he flirts, making me roll my eyes. 

"Thank you," I smiled, getting my money and grab my car keys. "No problem. I'm already out so I can meet you at that park by the club," he said, making me smile and let out a hum of approval. 

"Okay, thank you," I rushed, getting in my car and head to the spot. "Damn, I need to stop smoking so much."

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