Showing Interest

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"These are so good," Lola muffled with a nugget in her mouth. "I bet it is since you munching down on them," I joked, taking a big bite from my sandwich. "And you're the one to talk?" She snickered. "It got bacon on it," I reasoned. "Let me try," she mumbled, making me suck my teeth.

I held my chicken sandwich to her so she can break off a piece, only for her to bite it. "Big ass bite," I laughed, checking on Pablo, seeing that he's sleeping. His belly looked full, so I was happy to see that he ate. "It's good though," she smiled. 

I simply rolled my eyes and took a photo of my high ass. "The lashes makes you look cuter when you're high," Lola suddenly commented. I glanced to her and saw her already staring at me while blushing. "You are too. Damn, you look high," I said, making her look in the mirror and begin laughing. "I look cute though," she hummed, fixing her hair.

She kept looking at me, causing me to turn my full body towards her. "What's up?" I asked, watching her blink and shake her head. "Nothing," she mumbled, sipping her drink. "Yeah, alright. You keep staring at me," I boldly stated. 

"You're different from when you're in school," she mumbled, making me smile and rub my jaw. "I feel different from when I'm in school. Shit, I feel different from last night," I mumbled, making her sit up and frown. 

"What happened last night?" She asked. "I got some more weed from my plug and that's when I saw Pablo. When I got back in my car, I- this is going to sound crazy. I think I was dreaming though. I got attacked and the nigga bit me," I said, watching her eyes widen. "Bit you? You do sound crazy. Ain't shit on your neck," she mumbled, tilting my head over while leaning close to me. 

She was so close to me and that intoxicating sweet scent filled my lungs again. "I know, but I remember how painful it was. It felt like they were sucking the life out of my neck," I mumbled, feeling her fingertips go over my neck.

"You know I'm gay, right?" I asked. "I am too," she mumbled. I froze and stared at her. "Then why you touching on me like that?" I asked, feeling her pull away. "Sorry, I was looking for bite marks," she mumbled. 

I sucked my teeth and started my car again. "You a damn lie," I laughed, then scrunched my nose. "Damn, Pablo," I groaned, looking in the back seat to see him taking a dump on the training pad. 

I wait until he finished before throwing it away. "You stink, man," I laughed then drove back to the pet store. "Let me see your phone," Lola suddenly asked. I unlocked it and gave it to her. "You're my smoking buddy now. Call me when you want to match again," she said, gathering all the trash. "Don't worry about the trash," I mumbled, watching her get out the car. 

"See you later, Moni," she smiled. "See you later, Lola," I said then put Pablo in the front seat. "Bye, Pablo," she coos, patting his head. I made sure she got into her car and drove off before I drove back home. 

"Pablo, I got the digits, boy!" I squealed, licking my lips. When I got home, I grabbed Pablo and got out the car. 

Before I could enter my home, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw someone walking up my driveway. "Why do I keep getting caught slipping?" I mumbled, picking up my phone to call the police. "You don't need to do all of that, Moni. Now get back in the car," I heard as my phone was quickly snatched out my hand. 

"You telling your little girlfriend what happened could have gotten her killed. I was being generous by keeping you alive," I heard as my car door was suddenly opened. "What the fuck," I whispered.

I got back in the car, realizing that whatever it is, it's definitely not human. "What are you?" I quickly asked. "I'm what the humans call vampire. I turned you into one," they said, making me stare at the garage door and laugh. 

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "You don't believe? Take a whiff of this," they grumbled, grabbing me by the back of my neck and held a thermos in front of me. "Get off of-" I began screaming, only for something sweet to fill my lungs. 

Its nothing like the sweet smell from Lola, but damn did it make my stomach grumble. It made me hungry. "What's that?" I asked then groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my gums. I looked in the mirror and let out a soft gasp. 

"What did you do to me?" I asked in complete disbelief. "I'm sorry. I lost control until I was already feeding from you. I thought I killed you until I heard you talking to the dog. I don't like to kill just to-" he rambled, only for me to quickly look at him and wrap my hand around his neck. 

"You should have killed me. You turned me into a monster!" I shout, only for him to easily pry my hand off of him. "And I'm truly sorry. That's why I haven't abandoned you. I will teach you the ways of living an everlasting life on earth," he whispered. 

I only let out a scoff and pat Pablo's head. "But I will live it alone," I snapped. "Not quite. You can spend it with me-" he began. "Fuck no. I like women," I grumbled, only for him to swiftly get in the passenger seat. "Will you shut the hell up and let me finish?" He snapped, making me huff and lean back in my seat. 

"Now, I understand that you like women. You may come to a time where you could possibly turn this Lola chick," he suggested, making me frown and shake my head. "Nah, I couldn't possibly do that to her. She eats a lot," I joked which I know it's a bad timing but just thinking about her makes me calm down a little.

He let out a sigh and rubbing his face. "Well, you could always change your mind as time progress. I must teach you everything before the council finds out about you. Lesson one. How to hunt," he said then got out the car.

"I'm not eating someone," I rushed, getting out the car. "Then maybe your little dog will be the first thing you eat, and you won't be able to control it," he snapped, making me look at Pablo then place him back in my car until I get back.

My phone rung, making me look and see its Lola. I smiled at the way she put it in her phone with a heart behind her name. "Hey, what's up?" I answered, seeing the man look at me annoyed. I shooed him away while leaning against my car with a smile. "Nothing, my sister wanted to tell you something," she mumbled then quickly apologized. 

"Hey, this is sweet Lola's sister. Thanks for getting my baby his toy. Now, what are your plans with my sister?" She asked, causing me to cringe at Lola squealing at her sister. "She's my student, dumb ass!" She shout, earning a deep chuckle from the man. 

"And? She's legal right?" Her sister asked. "I'm nineteen and no, I did not fail a grade," I laughed. "Alright then. I would like to experience this smoke session that Lola can't stop talking about," she said then the phone hung up. 

So, she got a thing for me? Yes! "Come on, lover girl. We have a lot to do!"

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