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"Baby, you can't be still mad that I didn't want to go to prom," I huffed as I follow her around my own home. "Yes, yes, I am," she grumbled. "Who was I going to take?" I asked while leaning against the wall. "I don't know. You could have made someone day feel special," she grumbled. 

I let out a laugh and pulled her to me. "Your jealous ass would have killed her before I even asked," I laughed then wrapped my arms around her waist. "Maybe, but I don't want to hold you back from anything," she softly voiced while rubbing my arms.

"You would and will never hold me back from anything 'cause I'm doing everything with you. Now, let's go smoke and order some food," I suggested. She pulled away and grabbed my hand. As soon as we made it to her room, she grabbed Pablo and a blunt.

She sparked it then let out a hum while holding Pablo in her hand. While she smoked, I got in my body mirror and started doing my hair. Her phone began ringing and she ignored it, making me turn around and see her holding my phone up. 

"Answer for me," I shrugged, making her smile and bite her lip. "Chill!" I laughed, quickly getting on the bed and straddle her back. "You packed for the trip?" I asked, rubbing her back. She passed the blunt to me while mumbling yes.

She turned around and placed Pablo on the floor. "I may have my own room during this trip. I would hate to be lonely," Lola sigh, tilting her head to the side while leaning back on her arms. "You would hate to be lonely, huh? Maybe coach can give accompany you," I smirked, immediately seeing her scowl and glare at me. 

"Moni, I will break your neck. I do not want to be around that creepy man," she huffed. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and let out a snicker. "Good. I don't want to kill my economics teacher, baby. I just upped my grade to an A," I snickered.

I took a hit from the blunt then leaned down to her. She glanced to my lips then licked hers. She caught the smoke while pressing her lips against mine. She gripped my waist, pulling me closer while I held her throat and slipped my tongue into her mouth. 

She leaned all the way back, never breaking this passionate kiss. My phone rung, making me sigh and answer it. "What, Jordan?" I answered, feeling Lola kiss down my neck. "Hang up," she mumbled against me while lifting my shirt up.

"You fucking?" Jordan asked, sounding hopeful as hell. "I was about to, now what do you want?" I groaned. "You love being mean to my fine ass. Did you forget they were handing out the cap and gowns today?" He asked, causing me to curse under my breath and get up.

"Here I come. You coming with me?" I asked, Lola. "You sure you want me to come with you? On school grounds?" She whispered the last question. "My windows are tinted, and we have to finish our smoke session," I smirked then pecked her lips.

"So, I'm getting a chance to see your girl? You think she'll do a threesome?" He asked. "Fuck no," Lola shot down, earning a high five from me. "You heard her, and I already told you I'm not fucking you. Now get off my phone," I laughed, getting Pablo and my keys. 

Jordan let out a grumble then hung up. "I'ma kill him," Lola sigh while stretching her body. "I can hold Pablo while you carry me," she smiled, grabbing him from my hands. "Come on my big baby," I smiled, lifting her up in my arms and carried her to my car.

When I arrived at the school, Lola put the blunt out then took some cute pictures with Pablo. I'm starting to think Pablo trading ass loves her more than me and I'm the one who rescued him! He's getting big too. He's a good month old by now so he's starting to grow pretty fast and be more vocal. 

"I'll be back," I mumbled, getting out the car and locked it. I went inside the school, high as fuck which is something I've never done. I went to the gym and saw a long ass lone. "Hell nawl," I mumbled then face timed Lola. "What you gone' do? Hey, baby," she laughed as Pablo barked and played with her.

"This line is long as hell. You can start the car if you get hot or anything," I said, showing her the line. "Okay," she sang. 

Pablo suddenly got in the car, making me laugh and smile at his bad ass. "What's up, Pablo?" I coo, earning a high pitch bark from him. "Bae, I'm high as fuck!" Lola laughed while opening the sunroof. "Enjoy it," I snickered.

Jordan came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Armoni!" I heard, causing me to fumble my phone so it wouldn't hit the floor. "Government name, bae?" I huffed, pushing Jordan's arm off of me. "Your little friend will get shot," she sigh. 

"Bae," I laughed. "I saw her middle finger get in the screen, making me smile and nod my head. "You an asshole when you're hungry, girl. But I got something for that ass," I said as I moved up in the line. "What you gone' do?" She taunts. 

"Alright, it's on sight," I said, hearing complete silence. "Wait. I need to walk tomorrow," she quickly said but lower. "Ain't no wait. Now think about what you want to eat until I get back in the car," I told her then hung up. 

I shoved my phone in my pocket then let out a sigh. "So, it's like that?" Jordan asked, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose. "Out my business, Jordan," I laughed while shaking my head. "Do you plan on sneaking out the rooms during the trip?" He asked, making me laugh and look at him. "Hell yeah, but not with y'all," I quickly shut down. 

He sucked his teeth and walked up the line with me. "Why not?" He asked. "I'ma be busy," I trailed off. Fucking my future wife. 

I smiled at my thought and kept entertaining Jordan dumb ass until we made it to the front. "Armoni. I'm the only Armoni that's graduating," I told them, causing them to search and pull out a file. 

They gave me a class mug, my cap and gown, and some invitations to give out. "Deuces!" I shout and immediately went to my car. "Moni, hold on!" Jordan shout, only for me to ignore him and get in the car.

"Hey, baby," Lola tried to sweet talk, but I grabbed her by her neck and told her to take her panties off. She immediately became a blushing mess. "I never was wearing any," she mumbled under her breath.

I let her go and started my car. Jordan knocking on my window made me crack it and glare at him. "So, you really not gone' let me see her?" He asked, making me huff and glance to Lola. "No, now back away before she shoots your ass," I laughed, letting my window up.

Lola's aroma started to fill my nose, making me snap my head to her and see her hand in her pants. "You couldn't wait for me, Lola?" I asked, driving off while pulling her hand out of her pants.

She glared at me then slid my hand in her pants. "No, now help me."

The Councils: New TurningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora