Senior Trip

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Lola fell on the bed while panting heavily. "Training is so hard," she whined as I started a shower. "I know, but you did so amazing. I'm so proud of you," I hummed. I got out of my clothes and hopped in, waiting for Lola to join. 

"You got in without me?" I hear from the other side of the curtain. "Yeah, you were taking too long," I snickered, watching her get in and sigh at the water hitting her cool flesh. "Now I see why you have the water so hot," she whispered, leaning her head against me.

"You're tired?" I asked, grabbing her towel and lather it with soap and water. "Yeah, we ran twenty miles. Twenty." She mumbled. "I'll take care of you, beautiful," I smiled, washing her up. "How are you not exhausted?" She asked.

I lifted her head up and pecked her lips. "I've learned to reserve my energy and I got used to it," I softly whisper. After helping her wash up, I let her get out the shower and get at least an hour of sleep. 

I cleaned myself up then got out and got our clothes out for today. "We have to be at the school at five in the morning and its already... four thirty?! "Bae, wake up," I rushed, only for her to groan and get comfortable.

I bit into my wrist, watching her lift her head and look at me. "We have to get ready, love. It's four thirty," I told her and let her drink some of my blood to gain enough energy to get dressed and be functional to drive.

We both got dressed in lounge clothes since by the time we get there, it will be late afternoon. "You look good without make up. Geesh!" I exclaimed, pecking her soft lips. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. Our luggage was already in our cars. Her bag has our blankets and mine has the snacks. Smart, right?

"I'll see you at school, mama. I love you," I said then picked up Pablo and placed him where Nola's dog is. Her dog loves Pablo and they always play together. Keem, her dog, teaches him how to behave and all that so I trust him.

Me and Lola got in our cars and headed to the school together. When we got there, it was five on the dot, but I know Lola is going to be grumpy because she didn't get any breakfast. I got my bag and put it on the bus, making sure to leave room for her. "Thank you," she yawned, giving me her luggage. 

"No problem. I got some snacks for you in my backpack," I whispered, causing her to smile and nudge me. "I know. Where do you want to sit?" She asked, only to earn a shrug. She got on the bus, and I heard her talk to other teachers about how the trip will go.

Jordan's strong ass cologne made me groan and turn around. "What?" I said then snort at the Power Puff Girls pajama pants. "Nice pants, dork," I laughed then leaned against the bus. I saw Lola get off and she looked pissed.

Her eyes met mine and I tilted my head to the side. "Ms. Bawler is not a morning person at all," Jordan laughed. She came over to me then leaned against the bus. "Can you sit with me? Coach is driving me crazy. I swear I might-" she rambled, only for me to wave my hand in front of her. 

"I'll sit with you," I smiled, watching her sigh and look at a paper. "Thanks. You two can go ahead and get on the bus," she mumbled, placing a check by our names. "Wait, can I sit with you?" Jordan asked, but I grabbed him by his duffle bag strap and pulled him on the bus. 

"Just give it a rest, dude," I laughed. He sucked his teeth and sat across the aisle from me. "How do you get to sit next to the hottest teacher and not be worried about your girl?" He asked, only for me to shrug and place my bag down on the seat next to me. 

More people got on the bus and more of his friends sat around us. "Bro, she's sitting with Ms. Bawler fine ass," he told them, causing everyone to look at me. "Don't hate because she loves my fine ass," I joked, earning ou's from his friends. 

They got quiet when she got on the bus, but she was already looking at me. "Saved me a seat?" She asked, earning a nod as I stood up and grabbed my bag. She sat down and immediately pulled a blanket out. "Keep coach away from me, please," she whispered. 

I smiled and licked my lips. "Without causing harm to him," she added in, wiping the smile off of my face. She moved around until she got comfortable on me. I looked at Jordan and flicked my tongue between my index and middle fingers. "This some bullshit," he grumbled while slouching in his seat.

Coach soon got on the bus, and I immediately squinted my eyes. He looked around before making his way to us. "She's sleep, coach," I told him, watching him look at her then sigh. He sat in front of us and let out a loud sigh. "Let me know when she wakes up," he said then place some air pods in his ear.

It didn't take long before everyone got on both of the buses and soon, we were moving. I watched the sun rise, making me sigh and put my hood up. I heard that it's a little cool up North but it's April. April! Weather has been all types of messed up these past couple of years, so I stopped questioning it.

After a couple of hours of playing music and games on my phone, Lola began moving around. "Hey," I whispered, watching her stretch and sit up. "Hey," she mumbled then rubbed her eyes. Her stomach rumbled, making me laugh and look at her. "Shut up. I didn't eat anything," she mumbled.

I went in my bag and grabbed my thermos. "You need to feed before you get hunger pains," I mumble. I poured the blood into a top which is basically like another cup. I gave it to her, causing her to smile and thank me. 

She did a little dance while drinking from the top. I sat back and watched her while she satisfies her hunger. After we finished, I put my thermos back and grabbed her favorite cheddar popcorn. "My favorite!" She gasped then opened the bag. 

I had to steal some before she got to munching down on them. She laughed and pulled up a show we were watching. She pressed play and gave me a blanket. I got comfortable, eating on some of my cookies. 

"No, she didn't," Lola gasped, turning it up some. Coach turned around and immediately smiled. "Aht, I'm watching my show," Lola shot down while holding her hand up. "My bad," he mumbled as I stared at him with a frown. 

He looked at me and stared at me like he wanted to say something. "What?" I snapped, causing him to look at me with wide eyes. "Watch your tone, young lady," he said, making me scoff and lean up.

"Stop trying to talk to women that don't want you," I replied, making him fully turn around. "Who are you talking to? You do know that I can have you stay in your room all trip?" He threatened. 

I went to go off on him, but Lola placed her hand over my mouth. "Can you two stop it. Moni, that is no way you talk to your teachers and coach, I already told you I like women," Lola said in complete frustration. 

Jordan gasped and leaned over towards us. "Ms. B, you like women?" He asked, only for me to smile at him and flip him off. "Yes, now all of you can stop making bets on trying to get with me after you graduate," she laughed then got comfortable. 

"He better not threaten me no more, Lola," I whispered while folding my arms. She gripped my jaw and made me look at her phone. "Calm down," she mumbled, starting the show again. 

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