Best Smoke Session

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I paced my room as I wait for her to text me back. "Maybe she's in a meeting, Pablo," I mumble as he slept on my stomach. I ran my hand down my face and stared at her name. "Come on, Lola," I groaned then saw the three dots appear on my screen. 

I quickly got off of it and wait until she texts me. She finally did, causing me to quickly open it then smile. She sent me her location, making me smile and carefully get him up. I grabbed my drugs, keys, Pablo's bed, and his training pads then head to my car. "I'll be back, mom!" I shout then left out the house. 

When I say that I had to hold Pablo because I was speeding, I really was holding him to my chest as I follow the maps to her place. Once I did make it there, I texted her that I was outside. That gave me enough time to put Pablo in his bed and let him get comfortable. 

I rolled a swisher blunt and finished as soon as she got in the car. "My sister asked could she come," she sighs, making me laugh and nod my head. "Yeah, do you want her to come?" I asked, watching her squint her eyes. "No, but she heard you say yes," she groaned.

Her sister soon came in the car and smiled. "Who is this cute baby?" Her sister coo while leaning over and pat him. "That's Pablo. Lola named him," I mumbled as Lola began rolling a wood. I drove off, admiring the way she can use her tongue. 

"You're supposed to be looking at the road, Moni," Lola laughed. I made it to a red light and grabbed the lighter. I sparked my swisher and took a deep pull. "Yup, I did that," I coughed, then drove off as the light turn green.

I sucked my teeth as I looked at the gas hand. "I need to get some gas before we head out of town," I groaned. "What we heading out of town for?" Lola asked. "I know you want some food and I want to make sure that you can be comfortable," I replied. 

I made it to a gas station, so I got out and went to pump the gas. Lola and her sister got out and stretched. "We haven't been driving long," I laughed, shaking my head. "How long is the drive?" Her sister asks while Lola head straight into the store with my hoodie on. 

"Only thirty minutes," I informed her. "Well, I get cotton mouth easily," she said then skipped into the store. I shook my head and pumped the gas. "Hey, let me get that for you," someone said, but I shook my head. "I'm almost done now," I said, leaning away from him. 

"Wish I came sooner, though. You too pretty to be pumping gas," he said, making me sigh and fold my arms. "Look, I'm-" I started, only for Lola to stand in front of me with her hands on her hips. "Taken. Now back away," she snapped, smacking his hand away. 

He let out a chuckle then licked his lips. "My fault," he mumbled, staring us both down. "Bye," Lola snapped while putting the pump back in its place and put the cap back on. "Moni, get in the damn car," she grumbled, turning towards me as I smile at her.

I raised my hands as she opened the door for me. "Thank you," I said getting in and let her close the door for me. "Both of us are not fucking you. Nigga, bye," she snapped then got in the car. "Damn, girl," I smiled, leaning over towards her. 

"He lucky that I didn't grab your gun," she grumbled. "How you know I have a gun?" I asked. "I saw it in there," she said, going in my glove compartment. "Nosey, ass. What's taking your sister so long?" I asked, only for her to shrug and light her blunt again. 

I shrugged and started the car before lighting my blunt. "Bout time," Lola said as her sister got back in the car. I passed to her then began driving. 

They began singing to whatever song they played on the aux while I became higher by the second. "We're here," I mumbled, parking at the restaurant. "Ou, I never ate here," Lola hummed, handing me her perfume. 

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