Chapter 15

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Amethyst's POV
(One month later)
Another week.
Another day of work,
Another day of Orion wooing me.
It's gotten to a level I can't handle anymore.
My department head, Miss Laurghtet, eventually found out and called me in for a 'talk'. The talk consisted of her yellling at me to stop rubbing it in her face that no one wanted her and me apologizing, assuring her that it would never happen again.

But it did.

Big time.

I came to work this peaceful Thursday morning to meet my colleagues standing outside our large office.

"What's wrong?", I ask after I weave through the crowd to find Ava.

"It's your hot suitor, he filled our office with balloons and roses. I don't know how he keeps breaking in." She says looking really excited.

"He what?!" I screeched, this has to stop. Oh fuck, I'm so going to lose my job.

"Not only that, he also renovated your cubicle, I got in even though the balloons wanted to choke me to death and I caught a glimpse of your space. Your cubicle is black now with white details on it. It's so fucking sexy." She practically moans as she says this.

"Why the he-"

"Miss Silverton."

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
I turn and smile sheepishly at Miss Laurghtet.

"Good morning Miss Laurghtet. How was your night?"

"Good, but I can't say the same for my morning. Can you explain what is going on?" She asks, folding her arms. All eyes were on me now.

"Um, um, I think someone's stalking me, sending all these love notes, flowers and now balloons. I've reported him severally but nothing has happened." I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Really?, well, would you please follow me to my office?"

"Yeah, sure." I'm really screwed now. I don't want lose my job!.

I follow her to the office and sit down. She glares at me before speaking,

"You have given me no reason to consider terminating your employment until recently," I gulp, "You have to talk to your boyfriend to stop bringing gifts to your work place. Your personal life should have nothing to do with your job."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I promise this would not happen again."

"You promised the same thing the last time and look at where we are, Your boyfriend has redesigned your cubicle and that is not acceptable. We've called our furniture company to bring the model of your old cubicle to replace the redesigned one and that will cost a lot of money Miss Silverton."

"I'm so sorry, you can remove it out of my paycheck."

"That's exactly what we were planning to do anyway, we'll have to caution you though, what has been happening recently is very unethical and must not be repeated again. Your job is on the line."

"I know, I promise it won't happen again. I'm so sorry that it happened in the first place."

"Very well, I'll excuse you for now Miss Silvereton, bu-" Her phone rings, interrupting her.

"If you'll excuse me." She says.

"Yeah, sure."

She goes to the adjoining room to receive her call and I take my time to look around her office, she still has a picture of her husband and her together on her desk, I kind of feel bad for her.

I need to talk to Orion, he can't let me lose my job. No way. I never knew he'd resort to wooing the life out of me.

I laugh, remembering when I begged him to accept I and our child, he really said a lot to me that day. And also this issue that my Ares may not be hundred percent human, out of all the guys in that club, I chose to sleep with a lycan?!. I don't even know what to do right now, part of me wants to be with Orion and the other part keeps thinking of how he treated us, I'm soo confused.

The door opens and Miss Laurghtet emerges,

"Our CEO has been informed of some abnormalities happening in the accounts department and has requested to meet the cause of these asbnormalities."

"Oh, that means me right?"

"Of course." She says with a very large grin.

Oh shit.

"O-o-kay, are you coming with me?" I stutter, I feel like I want to pisss my pants.

"Of course," She says as she gestures towards the door, "Shall we?" She says still grinning.

Why the fuck does she look so happy?.

"Sure." I say as I get up and follow her out of the office. She leads me to the elevator and presses some buttons.

The entire ride to the last floor of the building is very quiet. Immediately the elevator door opens, I head out. The last floor is very spacious, having very minimum furniture. I see a redhead sitting behing a large desk, who obviously is the secretary.

I walk up to her, not caring to check if Miss Laurghtet is behind me. Immediately she sees me, she smiles very brightly.

"Hi, you must be Amethyst. The boss and his wife are expecting you." She says, still smilimg.

And his wife? Lord help me.

"Okay, I can go now right?" I say, trying to stall this as much as possible.


I knock on the dark mahogany door and hear a very gruff 'come in'. I timidly open the door and step inside. Where the fuck is my department head?

I look at the person behind the desk, he's blonde, very muscular and fit. So this is my CEO?, intersting-

"Hi, my name is Dylan and you must be Amethyst. I'm sure you've met my wife."

I'm sorry, what?!, I'm pretty sure I haven't met his wife. Just as I'm about to reply, a very pregnant female comes out from one of the adjoining rooms.

"I'm sure you guys don't need introductions, but for formalty sake, this is my wife, Callie Sunders."

Oh. My. God.
I'm the most terrible author, I know.

I can never keep to updates and I just want to apologize for the erratic updates of this book.

Hope y'all forgive me and continue reading Amethyst.

I can't make any promises but I hope to finish this book before the year runs out.

Now the book, cliffhangers feel sooo good.

Do you think it's that Callie?.

Let me know in the comments.

Love, Caramel.


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