Chapter 3

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Chapter 3🤩🤩
I'm soo excited
Remember,I'm open to corrections and suggestions.🤗
Amethyst's POV
(Starts immediately where Orion's stops)
"What the fuck?!" Tana says right next to me.

I know I should reply,I really should but I can't bring myself to look away from the black eyes that are still staring at me. I know it should be scary but I find it such a turn-on. God what's wrong with me?.

"Ami,look away please,infact lets go,this place gives me the creeps." Tana says while dragging me away from the spot I'm currently 'stuck' in. I snap out of my trance-like state when I hear what she says.

"Nope,we've come all the way,I've done my hair,makeup and donned an uncomfortable dress,so if I have to party with that creepy but totally hot dude staring at me then so be it." I say all in one breath. Tana looks unsure but agrees anyway. That girl never turns the chance to party down.

We make our way to the bar,by now the whole club has gotten over the 'shock' of our appearance and the party has continued. I keep feeling the burning stare of the hot creepy dude but I decide to ignore it. I came to party and party I shall.
By this time I had taken 12 shots of tequila and Tana had taken 7,how I'm able to stomach it I don't know. A dude walks up to Tana,asking for a dance,have I mentioned that all the dudes in this club are super hot?. She quickly agrees because damn,she ain't blind. She tells me she'll be back quick,but I know I'm not seeing her till the next morning. I'm alone at the bar now and sipping my third cocktail,if you haven't guessed I'm super drunk now but trying to hold it in.

I feel someone sit right next to me and I know,I just know,don't ask me how,but I just know it's him. I look up to meet a pair of gorgeous green eyes,the fuck?!,I thought they were gold just like an hour ago?.

"Hi." I just died and went to heaven right there,his voice,Oh!My!God!His voice!.

"Hi?,I'm Orion and you're?" He says again watching me with slight amusement while I openly gawk at him. This snaps me out of my state.

"Oh,sorry um,hi,I'm um,I'm Amethyst,yeah I'm Amethyst." Great going Amethyst,good job.

"Amethyst?" He asks tilting his head to the side like a puppy when it's confused. Gosh he's so cute.

"Yes,unusual name right,I like it though,talk about Orion too,unusual name too." I babble on.

He smiles and I think my panty just dropped,like literally.

"Why don't we leave this place and do something more fun." He says his voice now really low and husky.

I know where this is going,I mean I'm a virgin but I'm not dumb but something about him feels like it's okay to do this,like it's meant to be and plus I couldn't think straight with the alcohol. So I did what any other girl in my shoes would do. I out my hand in his now outstretched one and smiled as sexily as I can-I hope.

Chapter 3😍😍

So how'd you find it?

I hope you liked it.

Any thoughts on Amethyst's decision?

And Orion?

If you have any questions feel free to ask me.



Amethyst(#1 Gem Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu