Chapter 11

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Chapter 11!♥️♥️
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                  Amethyst POV
              (Seven years later)
"Stop it!"

"No!,it's fun!"

"I said,stop it!"


"I said STOP IT!"

"Fine." Ares says as he drops the frisbee he was playing with in the house.

"Thank God,now get your butt up and go get dressed." I say as I try to savage the damage to my living room by that frisbee.

"Where are we going?" He asks me as he slowly makes his way towards the hallway.

"To Aunt Tana's house." I say giving up on the living room.

"Why?" He says not bothering to head towards his room anymore.

"Because I and Tana want to have some fun and we can't do that with you and Maddy around,so we're gonna drop you off at her house where Uncle Tristan will babysit you and Maddy,ok?" I say dragging him towards his room now.

"But I don't like Maddy,she's nothing like Aunt Tana,and Uncle Tristan would do anything but babysit us!" He says getting ready to throw a tantrum.

"You're going to be nice and obedient or mummy won't be happy,and you know what happens when mummy isn't happy." I say successfully dragging him to his room.

"Fine!,but I'm staying with you for the whole of next week." He says removing his shirt.

"Fine,fine,now hurry up,I'm going to be late." I say leaving the room.

                It's been seven years that I've had my little bundle of joy,even though he's not little anymore and it's been one heck of a ride. My Ares is sweet,caring,rude,stubborn and most important of all,very bossy. I'm soo grateful that I decided to keep him,I don't know what my life would have been without him. He's my life,my light,my joy,I have no other reason to live apart from him.

            I still think about him sometimes,how it would have been if he hadn't rejected me. If we would have been married now,if we'd have another child,but I can never know any of that because he left me,left me and my son. I thank God he did though,it's better for him to leave me than for him to stay and hate me. I've been a single mum for seven years and I won't mind being one for eternity.

        Ares is done dressing and looks pretty good. He's wearing black all through,what can I say?,the kid loves black. I'm wearing a red top that says 'Never say Never' and a pair of blue ripped jeans. I finish the outfit with a pair of black boots.

"Come on,let's go." I say to him.

          He follows me to one of my cars and gets in,I enter too and start driving down to Tana's house. Tristan is Tana's brother and Maddy is her daughter,and no-she isn't Landon's daughter. A year after Tana and Landon kept going on and off,he finally broke up with her saying he found his 'soulmate'. Tana cried for weeks,she found a guy about aix weeks after the breakup and they hit it off. She got married to Shawn and had Maddison,she's currently three weeks pregnant and that's why we want to go out today,to 'celebrate'.

                Also,Tristan is finally back from some ridiculously long vacation he took and he brought his fianceè with him,Maya. She's really cool and very nice except when she's around Ares,it's almost as if she's intimidated by him which is absurd considering the fact that he's only seven years old. Ares also seems to like to boss her around which she obeys,we've scolded Ares to stop it but he continues.Their relationship is really weird.

             We get to her house and in. Immediately Ares sees Tana,he tackles her,sometimes I feel she wishes she was his mother not me.

      "Ok Tristan,make sure they sleep by nine,don't give Maddy peanut butter or anything with peanuts no matter how much she begs-she's allergic to it,don't do anything stupid. I think that's all." Tana says as she picks up her purse and keys.

    "Wait,9?,how late are we staying out?" I ask as I get ready to leave also.

  "As long as I can stay,I'm not drinking so it's going to be pretty late." She says as she guides me out of the house.

  "And Shawn?,won't he be pissed?" I say as I enter into her car.

   "Of course not,I told him about this outing like three days ago." She says as she buckles her seatbelt and I do the same.

"Okay then,just looking out for you." I say as she starts driving.

   "I know,and oh,Maya's going to meet us there,completely forgot to tell you." She says.

  "No problem,I really like her."

"Good,cause that's your new sister-in-law."

I just laugh.
        We've been at the lounge for about three hours now,and by 'we',I mean I,Tana and Maya. Maya is soo funny and cool to be with. We've just been talking about life and many things,the issue of my baby daddy comes up  but I just brush it aside. Maya doesn't know my baby daddy and I don't think she wants to.

   "Guys,I'm so sorry,but my best friend and his bestie are in town and he wants to stop by to see me so I gave him the address of this place,please I hope you don't mind." Maya says fidgeting with her phone.

   "Of course not,it's no big deal,in fact we'd like to meet your bestie and his bestie." Tana says sipping her juice.

   "Thank God,I thought you guys would get pissed cause they're almost here." Maya says putting her hands on her chest.

     We continue to drink,eat and talk until Maya says her guests are here and leaves to bring them in.

    It's when she's gone I quickly remove my contact lenses,they've been itching the hell out of my eyes.

"What are you doing?!" Tana asks,looking alarmed.

"The contact lenses you gave me are irritating my eyes." I say rubbing the said eyes.

  "Oh,sorry,can't you just manage it till we leave?" She says.

"Yeah,I guess so." I say starting to put them back on when a waiter bumps into our table making one of the lenses to fall off the table. I quickly stand up and crouch to pick it when someone steps on my hand.

  "Ow!" I say struggling to remove my hand from under the guy's shoe.

"Oh,he's so sorry-say sorry!" Another guy says probably talking to me and the guy who still has his shoe on my hand.

      The one who stepped on my hand crouches in front of me and massages my fingers,sparks erupt from where he touches me. He abruptly let's my hands go.

   My contact lens................

   I look up to ask him if he could move so I could get my contact lens and my eyes meet a pair of familiar ones.


*Sits in front of my laptop drinking hot tea*

I hate cliffhangers😣

But it's necessary,who's with me🙈

How'd you find it?😜

Hope you liked it.😇

Random question:Which word do you think I use the most in each chapter?😎

If you have any questions feel free to ask me.😋





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