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I'm here again ♥️♥️
Thank you all for taking your time to read this book🤩🤩
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I'm open to corrections and suggestions 😝😝
(Orion's POV)
I'm really struggling with Athias,he wants to come out to claim Amethyst.


What sick joke is the Moon Goddess playing?. I left this girl after taking her virginity, embarrassed her when she confronted me about her pregnancy.

Her pregnancy.

What does she have now?,a boy or a girl?,with another man. This thought alone makes me growl fiercly.

Another man on my Amethyst.

Now the issue of her being human,how the hell was I supposed to get my heirs?!

I growl again.

Where the fuck is Adonis?, what's making them take so long?.

Maya approaches me,"Hey big guy,Adonis is done with Amethyst,so are you ready to see your Luna?"

Of course I am.


She signals to Adonis and he approaches with a very calm looking Amethyst and her best friend tailing behind.

When she reaches me,my breath is taken away,she looks so beautiful. Has she always been this beautiful?.

"Hey." I say,I'm so nervous,it's like I'm talking to my long time crush.

"Hi." She replies.

God,her voice.

"I don't know what to s-"

"Soo, Amethyst,how many minutes will it take you to pack?." Adonis interrupts me,earning a glare.

"Pack?" Amethyst asks as she turns to face him. She's so cute.

"Shut u-"

"Yeah,I told you that you're going to be living with him for the rest of your life,you know,like what you humans call 'marriage'." Adonis says. This guy really needs to shut up.


I'm sorry,what?.

"I'm sorry,I didn't get you." I say to know what she really means.

She looked at me and all I could see was the fire in her eyes,

"I said No!. Why on Earth would I want to live with you for the rest of my life?. You sleep with me,take my virginity,then you run away. The next time I meet you,I'm pregnant with your child and then you embarrass me, insinuating that I'm a whore,slut and a whole lot of other things. You left I and my son without looking back,all th-"

"You have to hear me out,I have an explanation." I say,I really fucked up,I know. The way she lists what I've done to her makes me realize how much of an asshole I was to her.

"No!,all the times I've met you,you were nothing but a motherfucking asshole to me. So how the hell do you expect me to live with you as your wife or mate,or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I won't deny that I'm attracted to you but I can't forget the fact you left Ares I-"

"Ares?" I ask confused,who the fuck is Ares?,her boyfriend?.

I growl very loudly.

"Growl all you want but I don't fucking care. Ares is our son together whether you like it or not,the son you left without a care in the world and for that I'll never forgive you. Even if I do,I don't think I can be your wife,Ever. So suck it up and go home cause I'm not coming with you."

"Amethyst don't do this,we can talk it through." I say desperately. I can't loose her,not now,not ever.

"Look this is over-"


"I said this is over,don't ever try to talk to me again,that's even if you see me. Bye and I hope to never see you again." With that she storms off to her car.

I know what she did,used my words against me,but I don't care at this point. I just want her,with her anger and all.

"No." I say,this can't be happening,I just found her,I can't loose her.

"Somebody please talk to her." I'm desperate, I look at her best friend,Tana,who sneers at me before going to join Amethyst.

"Adonis?,Maya?" I look at both of them.

"Look big guy,she just needs to calm down,I know how human girls behave although I'm not sure if she's human anymore. I'll talk to her you don't need to worry. Just keep wooing her,she'll get tired and give up." Maya says looking at me with genuine sadness in her eyes.

"Yeah bro,let's go home and strategize how to bring our Luna back." Adonis says walking towards me.

"Yeah." That's all I could say,I'm so numb right now,I don't know what to do. I'm sure if she knew how to reject a mate,she would have rejected me.

I'm going to get her no matter what it takes. And when I'm finally with her,I'm not letting her go.

Not now. Not ever.
It's a wrap guys😇😇😇😇

This may be my last update before I go to school😫😫

But I'll try my possible best to update on Thursday♥️♥️

Soo,who's happy with Amethyst right now,I know I am😇😇😇♥️

Who feels sorry for Orion😪

What do you think will happen next.😝😝😜

How'd you find it?♥️♥️

Hope you liked it.☺️☺️

If you have any questions feel free to ask me.😇😇



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