Chapter 9

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Its chapter 9 people!!😍😍😍
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                      Orion's POV
  Immediately I get into the car,Callie bombard me with all sort of questions.

"What did she say to you?"

No answer.

"What did you tell her?"

No answer.

"What did she talk about?"

No answer.

"And why the fuck did you leave her out there crying?"

No answer.

"Really?,you won't answer me?"

"Ow!,you didn't have to hit me!."

"Then answer me!"

"Okay,okay." I decide to just tell her once and for all cause she's nosy and will still find out anyway.

     "She came up with this ridiculous claim that she's pregnant with my child and we both know that isn't possible." I say.

   "What?!" She screams,"Then what did you say?,I hope you didn't say anything stupid. For her to be able to have the confidence to tell you it means there's something." She says.

    I snort,"Do you know how many human girls have had the confidence to tell me?,they're just pathetic liars,all of them."

   "Wait,how many girls have you slept with?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me.

   "That's not your business,I'm not telling you." I say ignoring her eyes and focus on driving.

   "Ew,I really pity your mate,she's going to save herself just for you and discover she's been mated to a manwhore." She says folding her arms.

   "Whatever,I'm a man with needs,so deal with it." I say continuing driving.

     She snorts,"As if Adonis,Hunter,Dylan and Andrè aren't all men with needs,but they all waited for their mates. What makes you any different?" She says 'scolding' me now.

    "I'm a lycan alpha,"I say with pride,"You can't blame me,mine is ten times harder to control."

    "If you truly love your mate you would've waited." She says.

    "Hey,don't say that,when I meet my mate I'm going to love her till the end of my life,all these girls I've slept with before are just meaningless fucks to me." I say without remorse.

      "Ouch,"she winces,"So that pretty girl I just met is just a meaningless fuck to you?" She asks.

   "Yeah,pretty much." I nod my head.

"You're a jerk!,Oh God!,I really pity her now,she seems so nice. What's her name?"

     "Amethyst." My jaw clenches at the mere thought of her. I couldn't get her out of my head for about eleven weeks since I'd slept with her and now that she's finally receeded to the back of my head,she comes back looking as beautiful as ever even though she's pregnant. It really sucks she's a liar,I might have made her my girlfriend till I find my mate,and this false alarm stuff that I experienced,I haven't really looked into it.

     "-eemed so real."

"I'm sorry,what?" I ask,completely lost on what Callie is saying.

  "Ugh,I was saying that Amethyst is a really nice name and she seemed so real when she was talking to you,I felt the tears are real. I just have this feeling about this girl that I can't quite shake off,also something about her eyes and hair,I dont know,but I have a feeling we'll be looking for her pretty soon."

         Yeah,I have that feeling too.
You know those feelings never lie😋😋

More of Callie!!😁😁

I'm honestly angry with Orion right now,he was such an asshole in this chapter,who's with me😣😣😣😧

Chapter 9 completed!!♥️♥️♥️

Don't worry,more of Amethyst in the next chapter😋😋😊

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Hope you liked it.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me.🤗🤗🤗



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