You idiot

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Your pov:

Me and Jacob where best friends ever since I can remember, well since we were in diapers. We did everything together. Comforted each other on our first ever heart breaks, learned to ride bikes and learned how to swim.

Everything was normal until he became a member in Sam's pack, he changed, not entirely but he had priorities that were the most important thing to him.

He always diched our plans last minute because he had a meeting or something else. It wouldn't have bothered me at all because I knew how important all that "pack" thing was but it did bother me, I liked Jacob.

For as long as I could remember I liked Jacob from the first day. He cared for me and stood up for me when I couldn't, he was a gentle man to say the least. Yeah sure he didn't have "The manners" to be called one but for me he was.

Embry had invited me to cliff jump with the others, it was a thing we did as soon as they didn't have anything supper important to do and I always agreed to go. The place wasn't that far from my home soo I walked there. When I arrived I was happy to see Jacob, but there was every one except for him, I brushed it off and went to say hi to others.

"Hey Y/N glad you could make it" Sam said I smiled and hugged him "It's nice to be back" we broke the hug and I walked towards Embry "Where is your bathing suit?" "Fuck that" He laughed "Okey Miss I don't care who is gonna take care of you when you are sick hmm?" He smirked "You of course" "Riiight"

"Where is Jacob?" I asked "Oooh he will be here soon he said he forgot something" I hummed in response.

20 Min later I saw Jacob walking towards us but with some girl.

"Yo guys I want to introduce someone to you this is Dove she's my girlfriend" "Hi everyone". My heart dropped and my smile faded. He had a girlfriend that I wasn't aware of he didn't even mention anything, I wanted to cry but I forced a smile and went to them "Hey Dove I'm Y/N" I smiled hugging her "Heyy" I broke the hug and went beside Jared "You good?" "Mhm"

My mind was blank I couldn't think the only thing I wanted to do was jump, I started to walking towards the end "Y/N wait it's too cold yet" said Paul but I didn't hear them I just kept walking until I felt the wind slightly pushing me, I jumped.

When I felt the water on my body it was soo cold I immediately started swimming to the surface " You okey?!?" yelled Sam "Yeah! but it's soo damn cold" I yelled back I swam to the shore and fell down on my back thinking 'I was too late he has someone else' I wanted to cry but figured out it was the best when I did it at home.

Soon Paul joined me looking down at me "You suicidal?" he asked I smiled "Of course not dummie I just had a little adrenalin rush that's all" He helped me get back up and we started to walk to Emily's place.

We sat down at the table where there was basket full of big muffins I took some and bit too it "Em I'm gonna hire you as my personal cook this is bomb" Emily laughed "Sam wouldn't be happy that I'm away that much" "yeaah" She put some towels away and turned to me "Can we talk like just me and you?" "Yeah of course" She smiled and I followed her up to her room.

"What's going on" she crossed her arms looking at me, I tried to look anywhere else but her eyes "What do you mean" "You were stuffing your face with food you only do that when you overthink or are stressed"

I signed "You caught me" I put my arms in the air
"What is it" she sat beside me rubbing my shoulder "I like Jacob.. and I-" "I know" I turned to her shocked "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW?!" She smiled at me "It was clear as day well for me, Embry and Sam we even made a bet"

I sighned again "Oh come on the way you look at him says already something" "Well he came to us with a girl claiming she was his "Girlfriend" and I have missed my shot" I stood up

"I mean he probably doesn't even know her that much, SHE hasn't been with Jacob since day one, she probably doesn't even know his favorite color or his shoe size" I was pacing back and forth in the room at that point.

"Okey calm down now tiger, Paul said that he hasn't imprinted on her even soo maybe he actually doesn't like her like that" "You think?"

"Well yeah" I put my hands on my face "I am such an idiot" I mumbled "Hey you are not go and talk to him even if you get rejected you still fought a little yeah?" said Emily as she stood up from the bed and hugged me "Pleaseadoptme"

I mumbled again "Huh? what did you say" I took hand off my face "Adopt me please you would be my dream mom" She giggled "Sure" "Really??" "No" I frowned "But you could be my platonic child" "DEAL"

We walked down stairs where every body had already gathered and there was Jacob but no Dove "Hey hon" said Em walking to Sam, he smiled and kissed her. I stormed to Jake looking up to him "" "Now?" "Now." I grabbed his hand and dragged him far enough soo that others wouldn't hear us "Wow slow down" he said.

When we stopped I turned to him "Do you take me as some joke?" I asked

"Aaa no I-"

"Because it seems soo you randomly bring some chick to our meeting spot CLAMING she is your girl when even we don't know shit about her and you act all lovely dovely with her" "I-"

"And she doesn't even know anything about you BUT I DO!!" Y/N" Jake steps closer to me "She doesn't even look interested in you rather your muscles and your tattoos but that's it it's-"

"Y/N calm down where is this all coming from" he put his hands on my shoulder " Can't you see I like you idiot" "I know that I am late but-" Jake suddenly kissed me putting one hand on my cheek and other on my waist to pull me closer, I melted into the kiss soon he broke the kiss

" I have as well, that girl Dove was just some random girl I met while running she agreed to be my "girlfriend" and I can see it worked out just fine" he smiled looking down to me.

I was mad, I started hitting his chest "You dumb, stupid wolf" He smiled "Now now calm down I had imprinted on you a while ago"

he took my hands in his "Why didn't you say anything" "Because I thought the whole imprint wolf thing was too much for you to handle soo I waited, I'm sorry, let's just go back ye?" He said I turned my back to him "Aww still mad at me?"

he asked teasingly, I stood still until Jacob hugged me from behind "Forgive me?" He said putting his chin on my shoulder "I'll think about it" I wiggled out of his grip and started to walk back

"OH come onnnn baby" I turned around "Never say that again" pointing my finger at him and starting to walk away again, he chuckled and jogged to me putting his arm around my shoulders.

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚋 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora