The Pack

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First time meeting the whole wolf pack

Your pov:

I was walking home from school but didn't saw my moms car. I stepped inside and saw a little note on the fridge saying:

"I went out for a while there is left over Chinese food

Love you!"

I smiled put the note back, took the food and wet to the living room, turning the TV on.

A couple of hours had past I was watching some show until I heard someone knocking. I stood up and went to look, when I opened the door  I saw Jake.

"Missed me?" I grinned, jumping in his arms "of course I haven't seen you for days" he chuckled, let me down and we went inside.

"you seemed cozy" I looked at the couch "nah, soo what's up?" he started to fidget with his hands

"Well you know we have been dating for a while and I have seen your mom but you haven't met my family and I was thinking maybe we could change that"

"What are you saying?" I looked at him confused "Would you like to meet my family?" He looked at me nervously.

"like right now?!" "yes..?" "I look horrible right now, my hair is messed up and I have a massive pimple on my forehead" He laughed "That thing there is nothing compared to when Quil had massive pimples, he didn't go out for weeks"

"how come?" "He liked some girl and wanted to impress her hard" I giggled "Ohh well okey let's go then"

We walked for 20 and when we arrived at the door, I felt my nerves kick in, I bit the inside of my cheek and Jacob could see it that I was about to loose it any second.

I felt him taking my hand and giving it a light squeeze "Hey it will be alright, they aren't scary"

He opened the door for me, I looked around as I stepped in, suddenly 4 guys turned their heads to me "Hey, it's the chick Jake was talking about"

"Hello to you to Quill, be nice to her" Jake said

"Hey" I waved a little " And she's cute? Damn bro you hit the jackpot"

Embry pushed his shoulder laughing "Dude" I giggled "It's fine, I'm Y/n". One of the guys stood up and offered me his hand "I'm Paul" I shook his hand and smiled "I'm Embry this is Quill, Sam, Leah is out and Emily" he pointed at them.

"But who's Seth then" "Ohh yeah yeah he just isn't here now" I nodded. Jake led me to the table and we sat down. Emily put some chicken wings on the table and the boys began to fight eho gets the best piece.

"Ay, save some for the lady" she smacked the boys hands "Take some" she smiled "Thanks" Jake took some also.

"Soo you aren't running with tge vampires?" I shook my head "No, I'm eem running with the wolves I guess"

"That's good no one wants to be with the blood suckers anyway" Embry rolled his eyes "You aren't feeling them at all?" the two shook their heads "They caused trouble for us in the past-" Embry was about to continue but Quill stoped him "The legend was horrific"

"I see"

*Time skip*

It was getting darker outside and the forecast promised heavy rain coming in the way. We were sitting on the couch laughing and making jokes when Jake turned to me, my back against his chest he whispered in my ear "We gotta get going if we don't want to get home soaked" I nodded and stood up with Jake.

"We have to go, I have to get Y/n safely home before it starts pouring" I walked towards the door "Come here again, it was lovely to have you here" Emily walked towards me and hugged me patting my back lightly.

She pulled away and Sam wrapped his arm around her "Yeah I agree it was fun having you here kid"

I giggled "It was a pleasure to be here" Jake came and stood beside me "Bye guys!" "BYE Y/N" they yelled back, I chuckled. We walked back hand in hand "How did you like it?" "It was amazing they are super welcoming and nice" he smiled "Glad you like them."

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