New file entry 10 D: Bee and Puppycat

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Per watch

Now before I go in let me explain about Bee and Puppycat.

Well for starters Bee and Puppycat is a YouTube series by cartoon hangover almost everyone even myself had forgot about it we watched the first season to get a refresher but I did heard that the Netflix series will have refresher episodes of their own and after watching the original I have reason to believe that the first Refresher episode would be the pilot to the second episode the second third through six and the last seven through ten but that only me at this point of the chapter but what I will tell more when I break radio silence.

Radio silence

After watch

Well the refresh that explain how big got fired from the cafe which was not her fault in the first place but also has more layers we say bees Dad how to be cast for real and how she got pregnant by Merlin but after that the only was an actual ship and if I was Carmine's mom and then has off in space hope the next season will not take long hope it comes out in January if you ask me and love to see more like this even if it on those that are not on the usual streaming service like peacock or Tubi anything random like that.

The other thing I like to see in the next season is on Toast kids and how did Merlin handed delivery with him being a doctor seamlessly but that's only me for now.

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