New Frontier file set two entry one: Sonic Frontier

4 1 0

Dimension class:E 10+

Buffing Intel on Sonic's encounter with a non Eggman threat seem to be more advanced than his usual monstrosities while they seem to be extra dimensional at this time and is more ground to cover than normally with it being more open world then usual for the blue Hedgehog.

Field notes: What we are dealing with is seriously a Pandoric A.I name Sage it's unclear at this point of who or what she is or on the reason of a containment of the Chaos Emerald if it is more than to lock him away permanently even I know it's cutting cold turkey.

The means to get a full layout of the places through some simple mini missions to make bits and pieces on the map display on where you are by going to the blank pieces wherever you or just to get a bigger picture on where you are at they go from simple puzzles to time attacks by the end whatever Maya can do Sonic can do better.

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