Thranduil: Interrupting

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Type: Thranduil x Y/n


You walk along the wooden pathways of Mirkwood. The paths are familiar to you s you have lived in the city your entire life. The only difference was, now you walked as a queen. 

You step onto the pedestal where your husband's throne is. You frown. You walked in on a meeting. 

Thranduil raises his hand to silence the councilmen. He looks at them. "We are adjourned." 

The other elves leave you with your husband.

"Thranduil, I'm so-"

He stops you by giving you a soft kiss. "No my darling. You may interrupt me anytime you wish." 

He pulls you in for a hug. "Now, what can I do for my queen? Name anything." 

"I just missed you."

"Well, I miss you terribly while I'm working but tonight you shall have me all to yourself."

"Can we build a pillowfort, camp on the floor and eat cookies?"

"Yes, I will have extra blankets and pillow brought for us. Sounds like fun!" 


Elf Imagines and my one shots/Daydreams: Tolkien EditionWhere stories live. Discover now