chapter - 5

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Mew was just staring at gulf he don't know how react on his new discovery but he saw something in gulf's eye which making him uneasy plus bright told him they talk later which making him more uneasy and nervous...

Bright :- 'clear his throat ' let's order, guys what will you have...

Win :- fried chicken...

Mew :- I'll have sushi...

Bright :- you baby boy what do you want to eat...

Gulf :- anything for me phi... 'while look down'

Bright :- baby looks at me and tell me what to prefer to have...

Gulf :- 'with sad face' i don't have any preferences phi what will you order I'll eat that, nothing special for me...

Bright mew exchange the look, they are worried for gulf, bright well known the looks on mew face as well as mew knew bright looks so they decided to be calm...

Bright :- baby you don't have to eat what we eat, you can choice whatever you like to eat like you favourite food pizza, fried chicken ice cream anything...

Gulf :- phi but i always eat what is left when everyone has their food so for me it is nothing like favourite i can have anything please to order and waste your money on me... 'with innocent face and sad eyes'

Bright :- gulf!!!

Mew :- but ba-- gulf there must be something which you are carving for...

Gulf :- no phi I'm not carving for anything...

Their was a dead silence on the table they don't know what to do or not bright can't see his angel like this, mew can't able to control his emotions towards gulf and win feel sad for gulf because he see gulf smiling and demanding...

Win :- gulf let's try their new pizza, i heard that they recently added that  pizza on the menu...

Gulf :- okay...

Gulf's in-law House

Gulf's mother-in-law was talking to his daughter on the phone and telling her how she used gulf to do all the housework before going to his house...

Sister in-law :- mom why did
you that...

Mom :- ohh why should
I let that chance go...

Sister in-law :- oh mom you are

Mom :- see now I'm free
I don't have any work to do
it's feel so nice...

Sister in-law :- what if gulf tell
p'san about it...

Mom :- ohh my son will
listen to me don't worry
about that...

Sister in-law :- why are you
doing all this with him...

Mom :- ohh see who is talking
about, you know how much i
hate that gulf, what he think
off himself that he was perfect
no he was not perfect, he think
he will make my son on his side,
but no I'll not let my son to take
his side ever...

Sister in-law :- ya i remember in starting days, how he use his innocence to bring everyone on his side, even p'san always take his side only, it's so difficult for us to bring p'san on our side...

Mom :- he my husband always bring something for that useless person thank God we came to know how clever and smart he was...

Sister in-law :- mom you remember in starting he try to control p'san with his sweet talk and whenever I decided to come he always make excuses to go his house...

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