chapter - 10

567 38 17

Bright was having hard time to make his baby boy clam, he was continually saying loving words but gulf was not hearing them, he was completely broken finally he could take it out every single suffering he was going through whereas mew knew how difficult for bright to make his baby clam...

On the other side

Mew win was in complete shock and left dumbfounded knowing everything and now it's going beyond mew's limit to hear his baby angel mess, he wiped his tears while taking deep breath to clam himself before he tried to control his angel on the call as the call on speaker so his baby could hear him...

Mew :- baby angel... 'in shaking voice'

Bright :- not now mew please, he is suffering... 'worriedly'

Mew :- please bub i beg you let me try just for once... 'in desperate tone'

Win :- babe trust phi na...

Bright :- hmm

Mew :- baby angel, shhh don't cry everything is fine, you are not alone in it we are with you, look your p'bai he is with you right now hold you, protecting you, see win and me is also with you, you are not alone baby...

I know you are hurt, suffering and broken and it's perfectly fine, everyone has their hardest time once in lifetime and you are having yours now but don't forget the people who love you, care about you, you have to be strong baby...

Dark days bring bright days with them we just have to wait for our bright days but don't forget we all are here for you, to protect you, to take care of you, to love you unconditionally and most important you have me....

This is tough, but it's temporary, You're not in this alone, I'm here for you and so are many others. We all know you have what it takes...

Baby angel you don't have to handle everything yourself, lean on me and let me help, I know you could get through this on your own, but please let me help lighten your load...

I can't pretend to know how you feel, but I do know how strong you are I've got you, I won't let you fall, you can count on me to help you get back on your feet...

On the other side

Gulf was having a hard time, the pain he was having beyond his limits, he was hurt and broken from inside but soon when he heard mew's voice something inside him made him clam, like he was just waiting for that only...

Slowly slowly his loud cry converts in sobbing and hiccups, somewhere he is feeling safe and protected, soon he tries to collect himself for his loved ones...

Gulf :- 'hiccups' promise phi... 'stuttering'

Mew :- yes baby I promise to be with you always, if you hurt come to me, if you're in pain come to me, if you're broken come to me my angel I'll fix you, heal you with love and care but for that you have to be strong... 'in soft tone'

Gulf :- I'll phi...

Soon there was complete silence no one saying anything mew and win was so worried that why gulf was not saying anything on the other hand gulf felt tried and fall in deep sleep immediately after hearing mew's voice but bright who observes everything was shocked to see how his baby boy suddenly relax and stop crying which was very difficult but now his baby boy is sleeping like nothing happened...

Mew :- hmm bright gulf... 'worriedly'

Bright :- he is fine, don't worry... 'in clam tone'

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