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"And you must be Selene," a deep voice greets me. 

I turn to face a man with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. 

"Cullen Dolivo," he introduces himself as he holds out a hand for me to shake. 

I shake his hand with a small smile. 

"Nice to meet you—so you're the one playing my lying ass husband," I confirm jokingly. 

Cullen chuckles. 

"Yes, but I swear I'm not like that in real life," he assures me with a loose smile. 

I snicker, "I'd truly hope not—how are you enjoying filming so far?" I ask the man curiously. 

He shrugs, "It's been relatively chill. I've just been filming the scenes where I'm somewhere deep in the mountains hiding from your character," he admits with a shrug. 

"Too bad my character finds you," I raise a brow. 

He gives me a grim look, "And kills me," he whispers as if he's really dying. 

I chuckle. 

"You're funny Cullen," I compliment him. 

My dark eyes snap over to Leila, Bias, and Ella walking toward me. 

"Ready to film some action?" Bias asks me with an eager smile. 

I nod quickly as a smile grows on my face. 

"I've missed you Bias—how dare you leave my character," I scold him jokingly. 

Since our characters got separated in the movie, Bias no longer had to film alongside me. 

He holds his hands up in defense, "Hey! I had to part ways to find your husband Floyd," he points out. 

"He was the one to find him..." Leila trails off with a raised brow. 

I roll my eyes playfully. 

"Fine you're off the hook, but only because you found him," I mumble as I try to hide my growing smile. 

My dark eyes glance to Cullen who's giving us all an amused look. 

"I assume you've met Tobias—Cullen?" I ask the blonde man. 

He nods firmly as Bias sends him a warm smile. 

"And this is Leila," I introduce the Australian brunette who gives him a friendly wave. 

My dark eyes hesitantly glance at Ella who's standing quietly behind Leila. 

I sigh, "And that's Ella," I respectfully introduce my ex. 

My ex smiles softly at the man. 

"Nice to meet you all—I'm sure you're all going to kick my ass," he retorts. 

I chuckle. 

"Alright, guys let's begin filming—everyone in their spots!" Devyn yells out from behind the camera. 

No one wastes any time obeying the director's command as we all prepare to act out the intense scene. 

This is basically the scene where I finally catch my husband hiding in mountains. 

It's full of a ton of fucking action, so it'll be a lot of scene cuts considering I have a stunt double. 

Hopefully, the filming for the scene goes by smoothly, considering we all have a press conference for the movie to attend after this.

"Cut!" Devyn yells from behind the camera. 

All of our eyes stare at the director as she takes her headset off with a smile. 

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