Chapter 2

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Will's been acting...different.

In California we were good. I mean, fuck, I think we were good.

At first, I was being a total douche. I know I was and it's weird to even think about but the truth is that I was scared. Scared that Will had moved on. Scared that I had faded into nothing more than a forgotten memory. A negligible thought that would dawdle in very back of Will's beautiful mind.

I'd be forgotten.

I was scared.

I was scared I'd lost him and I'd never get him back.

But, I fixed it. I fixed us. At least I thought I did.
We got close. Closer than where we left off in Hawkins.

It was us against the world again.

Just us.

Then, Will started acting different.

Ever since we came home from California, it's like something has been off. These past couple weeks have been difficult for everyone to say the least. But, somethings changed between us. Something has changed with him.

I mean obviously there is the fact that we lost. And everything has gone to shit. And the Hawkins is basically falling apart. And we lost our zoomer.

But despite all these factors there is something else that seemed off.

After me and El's breakup, all I could think about was the painting.

The painting that Will lied to me about.

Yeah, that's another thing.

Will lied to me.

It's selfish: I know. I know that we have bigger problems .  Like trying to figure out a way to get rid of the upside down for good or trying to wake up Max and save our town.
But, I can't help it.

These past few weeks all I could think about is Will.

During me and El's break up, she confirmed that Will never even let her see the painting.
So, why?

Why did  he lie to me?

What could he possibly gain from lying to me?

What was he hiding?

I've been meaning to mention it since me and El's break up . But, we barely even talk anymore. He always finds a way to make up some sort of excuse like "I'm tired" or "I'm busy" or "I'm too focused on Vecna to meet up".

Will doesn't lie to me.
At least in the past he didn't. He couldn't.
So why now? We were always honest with each other. So what changed?

Friends don't lie.

I know it's corny and childish and stupid but that was and is our groups rule. A rule me and him value the most. A rule that kept us together through vigorous storms and tranquil times.

That was our rule.

A rule that he broke.

I have to confront him.

I'll ask him after we visit max in the hospital tomorrow.



It should of been me.

It should of been me. Not Max.

Dejected, I watch over Max's barren body lie steadfast in the bed before  me. My eyes scan over her amethyst eyelids that lay shut over her pale face..

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