Chapter 15

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tw:attempted suicide.

If you find an explicit description of a suicidal/unstable person's words and actions triggering I'll leave a brief description of the chapter at the end! Hope ur all doing well and remember to prioritise ur mental health.


I'm running. Running after Will despite the fact that I can feel my chest capsizing in on itself .

The air around me is withering away and it's only a matter of time till the adrenaline coursing through my veins dissolves.

But, I don't care.

Find him. I have to find him.

I find myself beseeching my brain for answers. I'm still running; sprinting away from Will's house praying for a clue as to where Will could of gone.

Each step is heavier than the last. Each whiff of air now only grazes my insides. Defeat impels through me as i finally come to a halt.

Think, Mike. Think. Where could Will have gone?

In this flash of demurral, i take note of something settled on the road in the distance.

A bike.

Will's bike. It's Will's bike.

Will's close. I quickly dismiss the glimmer of hope as i analyse my surroundings.

The quarry. We are near the quarry.

The quarry where we found Will's body.

The quarry.

The quarry where I tried to- No. Will wouldn't. He wouldn't do that. He couldn't.

" I should of died in the upside down."

No- no he can't. He wouldn't actually-

His words pauperise my mind; leeching themselves onto every thought i have. My body can't help but sink into sickness at the excruciating idea of life without Will.

Life without Will.

"Fuck." I curse to myself as my voice breaks in frustration.

Tears threaten to fall as i forage my way through the forest. Will's words only continue to echoethrough my thoughts.

"I shouldn't be here."

"No no no. He wouldn't." I shake my head hoping to shake out his words.

" When you're different you feel like a mistake."

"Stop. Stop no- you're not. You're anything but a mistake. This can't be- just wait for me. Please just wait." I ramble in desperation as tears now prickle at my eyes.

He has to wait.

"You have to wait." I whisper to myself. "I can't lose you.  I can't. Not again." I rush further into the woods as my heart bangs at the doors of my chest.

Find Will. I have to find Will.

I'm running faster.

Despite the blistering wounds of my deteriorating breath, I run faster trying to catch up with time. The same time I can feel eroding in-front of me.

In some way or another it feels like this is all a test. This isn't real. I'm being recorded and sooner or later a camera man will pop out behind one of these trees revealing that this was all just an experiment for one of their stupid talk shows. Or maybe it was all just in my head.

But, it's not just all in my head.

It's real.

This is real and I'm running out of time. It's running out and sooner or later there will be no time at all. No time to think, to rest, to cry. No time to breathe.

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