Chapter 11

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The way I had to do a little research for this chapter LMFAOO.. anyways hope u guys enjoy.


"So, what did you want to show us, Will?"  I ask nervously sitting next to Dustin and Lucas on Will's bed.

"Umm let me get it." He retrieves a huge heavy- looking box from his closet and places it in front of us.

"Will, what the hell is in there?" Dustin blurts out.

"Uhh- you might just want to open it yourselves." He says rubbing the back of his head.

The three of us shrug then kneel in-front of the box on the floor.

Oh, shit.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" Dustin shouts out in surprise.

"Those are-" Lucas starts.

"Guns." Will finishes his sentence for him. "And a lot of them, too. Different types. Umm look here."Will joins us on the floor; scavenging through the box removing a long gun. .

"You see this? This is a shotgun. It's mostly used for hunting which could be useful but honestly I don't know. I mean- it didn't really help me when I tried to use it against the demogorgan."

He tried to use it against the demogorgan? But he was like 12 back then.

He knew how to shoot a gun at 12 years old.

"Will slow the fuck down. YOU used a gun. Like a real bullet blasting gun to try shoot down the demogorgan?" Dustin asks in surprise his eyes widened and distraught.

I can't blame him. I'm still processing the whole situation in itself.

Will with a gun.

"Yeah, I mean i hadn't shot in a while but then when I came back from California I started practicing again and reading more about guns and I think I'm a pretty good shot." He casually explains.


So, he's a good listener, he's pretty( like really fucking pretty), he's an artist, he's kind and he can shoot a fucking gun.

What can't he do?

He can do anything. Everything.

And, I can do nothing.

I am nothing.

"What? When? Where? How?"  Dustin blathers on.

"Uhhh." He hesitates. "My dad taught me. When I was umm seven I think. I don't really remember much it's kind of a blur." He says averting his gaze to the side.

His dad? What a fucking douche bag. 

It hits me that I still don't know the extent off assholery Will's dad stretched to and I feel the overwhelming urge to press on. But, I know Will won't say a word. Not with Lucas and Dustin here. He probs wouldn't say a word if it was just the two of us either.

"Oh, shit." Dustin's face drops. "Sorry for asking."

"It's Fine, really. It doesn't matter. That's not why I brought you here today. I brought you here so I could teach you how to shoot."

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