Chapter 14

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Tw for suicidal thoughts/tendencies.


"Stupid. You're a fucking stupid idiot." I mumble under my breath as I cycle away from my house.

You're alone, Will. You're all alone.

Vecna's arctic words cleave through my brain.

"COULD YOU JUST FUCKING SHUT UP?" I shout out almost causing me to almost lose my sense of direction. "Shit shit shit." I mutter tightening my grip on the bike handles.

I take note of my surroundings. I know where I am. I'm close; close to the Quarry. The cliff where my dad used to take me to practice shooting.

I know this all to well place.

I find my muscles being wielded by the wind as I continue to cycle onward.

My insides are scalding hot yet my skin still remains wintry. It's like even my body can't choose the way in which it wants to torture me.

You are hated by everyone. You are alone.

"No- no I have mom, Jonathan and El. I have my family." I sputter out: cycling harder.

You don't know what they think of you. I know what they think of you.

They pity you.

"Get out of my fucking head." More tears broil down my cheeks as I try to to launder away his words.

Do they pity me? Is that why they stick around? They're forced to be around me.

They have no choice but to be around me.

Would they care? Would they care if i wasn't here anymore?

A turbid chill engulfs my body causing avid nausea to surge through me. My thoughts are blistering; oozing out my mind like waterfalls of utter torment.x

Kill them.

"Fuck off." I mutter as a lumbering weight tugs on my chest.

I'm trying my hardest to focus on the path ahead as his words suck the life out of each and every one of my thoughts.

Kill them. You know you want to.

"Leave me alone." I tearfully beg under my crisp breath. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." My heavy words cause me to topple off my bike. "Shitshitshit." I mumble; instantaneously helping myself up.

I can help you kill them, William. Just give in. I can make them understand.

"Please just leave me alone." Now, my words are nothing more than wasted whisper.

I beg. I beg knowing that this agony will never end ans that for whatever reason, I've been condemned with to this reality till the end of time. It's a burden I have no choice but to learn to endure.

There's a darkness within me. A darkness that has tainted my insides for just far too long. A malicious evil that's been slowly suffocating me for years.

It's a darkness that's going win. Eventually, it'll win.

But, at least I know it's intentions. I know what it wants. It's famished. It's hungry. It's ravenous.

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