Chapter 13

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It takes me a few seconds to fully process Will's words that sink into the silence.

Will likes guys.

Will. Likes. Guys.



Was this supposed to be a bad thing?

It's not.

It's not a bad thing.

Actually, it's kind of comforting: knowing he hasn't been keeping a secret crush from me for all these years.


Wait a fucking second.

If he likes guys that means he's liked a guy. Maybe he even likes a guy.


Suddenly, I feel my stomach submerge  envy. Envy for the guy (or guys) that Will has liked over the years.

What if it was one of those stupid know-it-all "i'm so cool" California guys? I can most definitely confirm that whoever the fuck that guy is does NOT deserve Will.

No one deserves Will.

Will's too good for everyone.

It's not a weird thing to say. It's just me looking out for him.

No guy could ever be good enough for him.

"I'm Sorry." He quickly sputters out not allowing for any of us to even return react.

Why is he sorry?

What does he have to apologise for?

Pieces of his words in the van strike threw me.

"When you're different you feel like a mistake."

This is why. This is why he felt like a mistake.

Oh my god.

Will feels like a mistake.

Will. Feels. Like. A. Mistake.

"You make 'her' feel like 'she's' not a mistake at all."

He said those words to me.

Why? Why me? What's so special about me? He could of said this to Lucas or Dustin or even his Jonathan but he didn't.

Before I can even sizzle up a response, he's out. He's gone.


"He left. He just left. He didn't even let us say anything. He just said what he said then left. So he likes guys? So, all these years he's been feeling like a- wait so that's what Vecna's been haunting him with, right? Shit. We need to-" Dustin rambles.

"We need to go after him. Like right now." Lucas follows.

"No. I'll go after him...alone." I cut in.

" Like hell you will." Dustin scoffs in annoyance."He's our friend too."  He explains.

"I know but I have to go after him. Just me." I earnestly affirm.

"Mike." Lucas sternly says furrowing his brow.

"Just. Me." I repeat.

"Why? Why just you, huh? Last time I checked we are all his friends. " Dustin argues.


It's difficult to put into words: what me and will have. It's special. It's different.

It's a connection greater than what can be seen on the surface; a mutual benevolence towards one another. Something nobody else could understand. Nobody else but him.

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