Chapter 7

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Warning for depictions  of minor under the influence of alcohol.

Question of the day:
Is Will a happy or sad drunk?


He's drunk. Will is fucking drunk.

"Will, are you drunk?" I crudely ask as both Lucas and Dustin widen their eyes in surprise.

For a few seconds, Will sits in discombobulation before his eye finally find their way  me

"Mnno..." He wearily hums switching his focus between the three of us.

"Mike, what are you-" Lucas starts: perplexed by my question.

"Smell him." My words are unrefined as I snap back.

"Mike, this is WILL we are talking about. There is no way." Dustin scoffs in disbelief.

"Smell him."I  discernibly repeat.

"Mnot-  i'm not drunk...Cut it out." Will snaps back garbling his words as he rubs his ailing eyes.

Both Lucas and Dustin share a questioning look then lean in towards Will to smell him.

"Oh my god. He is. He so is." Dustin places a hand over his mouth.

"Stop.. just tired. That'sall." Will snuffles in between his words. His face only turning more puce by the second.

"Bullshit." I mutter under my breath "Where did you get the alcohol from?" I ask unabashedly.

"Uhh...dunno." He shrugs trivially.

"So, you are drunk then?" Lucas asks.

"Yes I am."  Will smiles contently before his face drops at the realisation of Lucas's words.  "Wait, no... shit....  That's a trick question, isn't it? S'not cool. S'not cool at all." He languidly responds.

"This is bad. This is really bad. How the hell are we going to get a drunk Will home?" Dustin's voice plunges into panic.

"It's fine, Dustin. We need to think logically. There's a way we can test how drunk he is, right?" Lucas asserts.

"He looks pretty wasted to me, I mean, look at him. He's barely even aware of what the hell is going on." Dustin yells pointing at Will who just sits adrift.

Will's gaze remains astray as eye bags lie under his puffy eyes. His moronic expression stays somewhat slumberous as he delivers steep yet calm huffs for air. He looks almost sick. Yet, somehow still good looking. Pretty.

It takes Will a few seconds to process Dustin's words before coming back with a response.

" m'fine." Will huffs unbothered. " It runs in the family, y'know." He blurts out sloppily .

"What are you even talking about?" I cut in.

"My dad." He murmurs.

The three of us pause at Will's verbal onslaught.

"Me and him are same now, right? Both drunk and both bad people. Me and my dad are the same. "  Will says glumly releasing a soft dolorous sigh.

Will never talked much about his dad so I don't know much of him but I do know he was a major fucking asshole.

I remember when Will would randomly know knock on our door when we were kids. I remember how Will would cry to me as he repeated the words his dad threw at him. I didn't know what they meant at the time so all I could do was hug him for hours and tell him it was all going to be okay.

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