Chapter 8

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Minor emetophobia warning for the beginning.


I wake with my head being blasted by a gruelling soreness ; almost like a drill has been burrowing its way into my brain. As I sluggishly sit up, I can't help but attest to the lumbering weight of my gravies body. Now nausea flows through me as I  unsteadily  stumble towards the bathroom.

This hurts. This really fucking hurts.

It reminds me of early days of the mind flayer and its possession over me. The constant nagging destitute thoughts that slithered their way around me. The lack of command I helps over my body. The manipulation and misuse of my very own organs. The sweltering sickness that warped its way around me.

The helplessness.

The vulnerability.

It all comes flooding back as I perilously puke out my insides into the raunchy toilet bowl.

I sit beside the toilet trying to commemorate some sort of clue as to why I feel so incredibly sick.


I don't remember.

It hits me that I can't seem to recall the events of last night.
Crap. This is bad. Oh, god. This is really fucking bad. What if this is the work of the mind-flayer?

I find myself spiralling into a fit of panic as I try to remember the events of the night before. .

Come on Will, think. Use your brain for a second and stop being so useless. So helpless. Do it yourself for once.

Last night...

Everyone was over: Mike, Nancy, Dustin, Lucas, Jonathan,El,  Erica, Steve, Robin.

We talked about.... What did we talk about?  Vecna. Yes, that's right. Vecna.
But, then something happened. Something bad. Something to do with me.
I started feeling sick.  Yes,  I started feeling sick.So, what did I do? I left.
I left and went my room and I guess I just went to bed early.

That makes sense.

That has to be it. I was sick and the sickness lasted until this morning and now I feel better. I am better. Everything is okay.

The throbbing sensation in the back of  my head has seemingly alleviated. Now, I'm sluggishly making my way out of my room reeling myself towards the kitchen. I walk in on Jonathan and El speaking in hushed tones.

"Morning." I mumble as I sit in-front them at the dining table.

Instantly, the pair snap their heads towards me.

"Good afternoon actually." El agilely says.

"What?" I say back puzzled.

"It's one o'clock... I guess you just slept in late today." Jonathan offers a wobbly smile.

"Guess I did." I smile back.

Both of Jonathan and El share a look that I can't quite decipher before El continues to bite into her eggos.

"Are you umm- are you okay?" Jonathan hesitantly asks .

"Yeah. I mean kind of. I guess I've just felt kind of sick this morning." I pause. "Why?" I add on in confusion.

Did I really look that sick?

"Well, yesterday you-" El starts.

"We're just checking up on you and wanted to make sure everything's okay." Jonathan sharply cuts through El's words.

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