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When Jisung woke up, Chenle's arms were still wrapped around him, his legs also tangled with Jisung's.

"Chenle." Jisung caressed his head.

"Wh.." Chenle could barely open his eyes.

"It's twelve in the afternoon, I think we've slept enough. Time to get up."

Chenle didn't move one bit. Remaining in bed with no intentions of leaving any time soon.

"Chenle." Jisung tried to shake him a bit but he wasn't budging.

Jisung scoffed and lifted Chenle off of him so he could step out his bed.

"Every time I'm in here I immediately feel so.. Weak." Chenle complained.

Jisung's eyes widened. The crystals. After Chenle shared that he had no violent intentions, Jisung felt safer around Chenle. The crystals obviously wouldn't reassure him anymore, now it only made him guilty seeing how lifeless Chenle could be when stepping foot in his room.

"That's weird. Anyways get up." Jisung lifted Chenle from his bed and put him on his left shoulder.

Chenle hit his back, "Put me down, I know how to walk."

Jisung took him to the living room and threw him onto the couch.

Chenle grabbed Jisung's shirt and pulled him in.


"Stay." Chenle's grip on his shirt tightened.

Jisung sat next to Chenle and pulled him into a hug.

"Don't wake me up in the middle of the night again. I'm so tired now because of it."

"I'll try not to."

Jisung shifted Chenle off of him and stood up.

"I told you to stay." Chenle didn't move this time.

"Unlike you, humans need to take showers and clean up."

"You don't even smell bad though."

"In case you forgot, I like taking showers every day. I thought you knew that." Jisung smirked and walked off back into his room to collect clothing before heading to his bathroom.

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