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chapter thirteen:violetta and ej

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chapter thirteen:
violetta and ej . . . without the ej !


VIOLETTA SAT AT the picnic table outside of the canteen, one of her knees tucked up into her chest and a journal and a pen in front of her. Her eyebrows were knit in thought as she just wrote. It had actually been Ashlyn's idea — she said writing all of her thoughts down helped her, so she thought it would help Violetta, too. Violetta really appreciated her advice, because as each letter was written onto the page, she could feel her mind spin a little less.

It was still the morning, since all the girls agreed they would get ready together in the afternoon. Violetta had managed to sneak away from the cabin and came

She had just finished writing down I still feel stupid when she heard footsteps approach her. Violetta looked up to see EJ standing there in front of her, a small smile on his face and his hands in the pockets of his jacket. She gave him a tight smile in return and closed her journal, watching as he sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"Morning," EJ greeted. "What're you doing?"

"Journaling," Violetta replied. "It was Ashlyn's idea. I have a lot of thoughts, so I wrote them down."

EJ placed his chin in the palm of his hand. "What kind of thoughts?"

"Oh. Um . . ." She thought for a moment. "You've got no reason to be afraid. Kind of vague, but . . . it can apply to many different things."

He frowned at her. "V, I'm sorry. I know you're disappointed that we can't go together, and I am, too. I literally want nothing more than to be your date, but—"

"Camp Shallow Lake tradition, I know," she interrupted. "Just . . . save me the last dance?"

"I will," EJ promised. He then stood up and kissed the top of her head gently. "I'll see you later."

Violetta watched him go, absentmindedly tapping the pen against her journal. How had things gone so wrong between them? Whatever happened, all Violetta knew if that EJ forgot about her tonight, she wasn't sure if she would be able to handle it.

She wrote for a little while longer before heading back to the cabin. Her, Athena, Kourtney, Ashlyn, Gina, and Maddox all started to get ready together. Kourtney was in charge of basically all of their makeup, and while she was doing Athena's makeup (Violetta was the last one), she worked on her hair. Violetta stood in front of the mirror and tied half up her hair up in a ponytail, letting the rest of her curls cascade over her shoulders and down her back.

𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐒  ―  e. caswell ³  ✓Where stories live. Discover now