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A faint whimper made Cassandra flinch in her sleep. Slowly she raised her head, only to let it plop down again. Did she dream it? She yawned and rolled to the other side when hearing another one. This time loud and clear.
She sat up, the sheet sliding down from her bare chest and she held her head. What time was it even? Her gaze fell onto the empty spot next to her. And she frowned.
The last thing she could remember was Taehyung clinging onto her like a koala bear while dozing off. Warm cheek pressed on her chest, allowing her to run her fingers through his waves. Lulling him even more. And eventually, she had fallen asleep herself.
Before her mind could even come up with any scenario to where he was, his voice echoed through the hallway behind the closed door. Making her perk up. "Just a moment," he pleaded.

She swung her legs over the bed and got up. Tying her hair that was sticking out in all the wrong directions before getting dressed. She approached the living room with slow steps then. Hearing muffled noises and tiny wails. And she peeked inside, curls falling over shoulder as she tilted her head with a curious look.
And indeed, there he was. On the floor, trying assembling the lego house they had got from his parents. Cassandra couldn't help stifling a laugh at his visible struggle building it while keeping Ari and Isavella from taking lego bricks away or dismantling the parts which were already ready. And them mewling when he wouldn't let them play with the clourful plastic bricks. "You need some help?"
Her voice seemingly startled him but he still greeted her with a grin when she walked up to them. "No, can't you see? I'm great at multitasking," he said smugly, causing her to giggle.
"Obviously," she snorted then and took a seat on the carpet opposite from him. Engulfing Isavella with her arms to keep her from running away with the house's rooftop. "Come, give it to mummy," she cooed and kissed her daughter's cheeks, while tucking at the legos in her small hands. Pulling at it with enough force to get it back, handing it to him. Causing Isavella to frown angrily.
"Thanks," he mumbled, putting it back on the top of the unfinished building. A sigh escaping his lips then. "Who ever thought of making legos for two year olds?"
"Yeah, I know," Cassandra agreed as Isavella started wiggling her body in an attempt to free herself from her mother's hug, all in vain. So she started whining behind her pacifer. Her longer  grown curls bouncing in frustration. Cassandra placed one last peck on her cheek before letting go of her. Seeing the toddler gripping the table and waddling to the box of toys behind Ari, who was peacefully sucking at her baby bottle.
"When did you wake up?" she asked then while smiling at Ari's puffy cheeks as she was drinking her milk. "Not too long ago," he mumbled, "Needed to pee and saw them both sitting there in the crib. Just staring at nothing.. It was kinda creepy." He chuckled lightly and whiped a drop of milk off of Ari's chin that he noticed. Focusing back on the little lego kitchen then.
"Aw, where you scared of the girls?"
"Don't tease me," he pouted, "It looked like a scene from a horror film. And I hate those.."
"Aw," she bent over and pinched his cheek. "Taehyungie got scared."
"I didn't." He was mildly sulky, making it even more adorable to her.
"It's okay. I find it cute."
"Oh really?" He arched a brow at her with a sly smirk. "That changes everything then." 
Shaking her head, she pushed herself up again. Her brain unable to function properly without her cereals. Others needed coffee, she needed food to gain some energy.

"Did you even eat breakfast or did you just instantly start building that?" she called while rummaging in the kitchen cupboard for a bowl.
Taehyung only hummed though, not really paying attention to her question as he looked at the instructions. Having trouble finding the right placement for some parts. 
"Hm, yes what?" He perked up, seeing a bowl in front of his face.
"Here, eat," she plainly stated, rising her brows. "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"
"Uh, no." He took it from her grip and watched her sit down on the couch. Crossing her legs. He smiled at her then, appreciating her thoughtfullness. "Thanks." She only hummed as she took a spoonful of her own cereals. And he joined her on the couch. Both eating in silence while observing the two toddlers in their little corner playing together. It was just like any other weekend, more or less.

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