Chapter 7

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Song Playlist:

Dan's P.O.V.

"Hi, how can I help you-" Phil started saying but stopped when he opened his eyes. I came up closer behind him, confused as to why he stopped.

"Hi, I'm December, and this is Benny. We're your brother and sister. We're triplets." I felt Phil stiffen in front of me, and I paled as I processed what this woman-this December, just told us. Phil stepped forward to meet them properly, and I finally noticed that he's actually wearing dinosaur pajamas and his lion shirt. Oh, Phil, only you would meet your siblings for the first time in your pajamas.

"Really? I have a brother and a sister?" Phil asked curiously. That dude- Benny, nodded excitedly, a giant smile finding his lips.

"Can we come in?" Benny asked Phil, who replied with a rushed nod. December and Benny followed me and Phil into our lounge and sat down on a couch across from them. Phil was grinning like mad and I was too.

"So, um, how do you know we're siblings?" Phil asked beside me. Yeah, how the heck would they know. The both of them just smirked and I grew eveen more confused. Wtf are they hiding? like seriously, what is going on-

I jumped as something silky brushed across my face. I looked at Phil, and there were wings. Wings were coming out of his back. they had ripped through his shirt. What the actual frig. I then looked over to Decmeber and Benny, and saw they had wings coming from their backs too. But all of their wings were different. Phil's were black and had blue tips, but December's were black with grey tips and Benny's were black with gold tips.

"First of all, we all have these." Benny said, pointing to their wings in turn. "Second of all, our father contacted December this morning, telling us your name. Third of all, we all look exactly the same except for our eyes." Benny explained and I watched as realization dawned on Phil's features. "Oh." Was all he got to say before the windows smashed open and demons poured in. December and Benny shot out of their seats, December reaching for her sword and Benny his bow.

"Get out of here! We'll take care of them!" December yelled at Phil and me as she and Benny started killing off the demons one by one. Once they had slain the last of the demons, December and Benny called for Phil and me to come back. We both came out of my room down the hall, carrying backpacks stuffed full of our possessions. "Let's go." December told us as we all walked out of the apartment, me locking the door on my way out. "We'll have to take a train to Manchester and then fly to Canada. I guess Benny can carry you, Dan." December spoke quickly and quietly. We all nodded, rushing to the lift and going to the train station. Me and Phil got out our wallets to get the money for tickets and paid for the four of us.

Fifteen minutes later the train to Manchester came and we got on board, walking to four free seats. When we got to Manchester, December led the way to a park. Benny picked me up and started flying up, December showing Phil how to fly and then following Benny. After 9 hours of flying and breaks, we made it back to the cabin and all crashed on the couches and beds.

When I woke up, I cooked some pancakes and then when everyone else got up, I fed everyone. After I finished, I cleared my throat and all eyes went to me. "Guys, there's this prophecy that me and Phil are in, and we have to find a witch named Cortana Maple." "Oh, Benny and I already know." December replied. I merely nodded and suggested, "We should leave to find her in a year, because we need to learn to fight, and Phil and you guys need to learn your flying better. No offense." "None taken, and I agree." Benny said. We all nodded in unison and went back to our food.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip a year~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Phil, what are we going to do when we find Cortana?" Benny asked worriedly. "We'll just ask her to help us, I guess." Phil replied breezily. December watched her two brothers interact with each other as she and I both drank coffee silently. "I guess we really do have to leave tomorrow." I muttered into my cup. "I've mapped all the possible places she could be, and I trained you and Phil to fight with multiple weapons. I think we'll be ready." "Well no duh." I said sarcastically. "We should head off to bed, guys." Phil announced. December nodded along with the others as we cleaned up and went to bed. The next morning, I met with Phil at dawn. "We're ready right?" I asked with uncertainty. "We're ready."

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