Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Phil's P.O.V.

After walking away from December, I went into the forest behind the cabin. It's easiest for me to let out my feelings while flying. I also like to explore the forest, as it gives me a safe haven and some quiet away from the loudness of my siblings and Dan. Unlike everyone else, I prefer the company of just myself, alone. Which I know is weird, but it's easier to think this way. I step my way around a fallen log that I named Peter, and continue walking through the trees that surrounded me. I don't know why I named him that, or if he's even a dude, but I did, and I don't regret it. I'm a weird person, and I accept it. Once you get deep enough into the forest, it's like you're not even in Ascio anymore. You just feel free for a little while.

I found my favourite tree, Wallace, and started climbing. I wish as a child I could have done this, but I had no free time. I even remember meeting Dan for the first time. He was the only person who didn't call me Philip.

I walk up the steps to the high school, seriously dreading going in. Not only was it my last year, but my last chance at getting out of here. What's the point in living here if everyone hates you, including your foster parents? I was looking at the ground pointedly, and unfortunately bumped into someone, knocking them over.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry, mate." I sighed and sat up a bit, catching sight of the most beautiful brown eyes that I've ever seen. The boy underneath me was obviously younger than me, and quite scrawny too.

"Hi," the boy said to me, "I'm Dan, by the way." I nodded, too encaptured by his eyes to speak.

He chuckled and said,"And you are...?" Oh. I was supposed to reply, wasn't I?

"I'm Philip."

"Well, hi Phil. Would you mind, um, getting off me?" I nodded and stood up awkwardly, reaching a hand out to him to help him up. He took it, smiling in thanks and I tugged him up. Once he stood, our eyes met again, and we were so close I could feel his breath on my face; he was in fact, taller than me. Someone bumped my shoulder and shoved past me, whispering "gay" under his breath. Dan apparently heard, and turned on the guy, who was in all of my classes. His name was Josh, and he had blond hair and mean brown eyes, not at all like Dan's eyes.

"What did you just say?" Dan questioned, tilting his head to the side. Uh oh, he's going to get his ass kicked now.

"I said you and your boyfriend, are gay." I gulped, waiting for Dan's reply.

"If we're dating, that's not an insult, that's a fact." I gasped, wondering why in the hell did Dan just say we were dating, he's like, a grade 9, and I'm a grade 12, it's weird!


Okay I'm Canadian so I don't know what they say, so I'm going off of what I know about high school myself. I think Phil's about 3 years older, so that should make Dan in 9th grade if Phil is a senior. Just my logic.

End of A/N)

(Back to the flashback now)

Josh looked taken aback, and muttered "whatever" and walked away. I sighed in relief that he didn't pommel Dan; that would have sucked for the first day of school.

"Oh Dan, uh, you didn't have to do that." I told him, and he turned back towards me, giving me a weak smile.

"Oh yes I did. Nobody hurts my friends."

That day was the only time that I thanked God for making me clumsy. If I hadn't bumped into Dan, we wouldn't have met, and I certainly wouldn't be where I am now. I hear a rustle below me, and take out the small dagger I usually have on me. Most of the time any noise out here is just an animal, but that's doesn't mean I should assume that I'm safe. I catch sight of a head of black hair, and sigh. It's just December. Goodness gracious.

"What are you doing out here, December?" I asked, making her look up at me, startled.

"I, uh, came to apologize." Already?

"For what?" Playing the fool usually makes her frustrated, and it's funny to see her get flustered. She is my sister after all.

"For interrupting your confession. But I want to talk to you, too."

"Okay. Well, come up here. I'm not moving." She made her way up here, almost falling a few times. She's not really seasoned in the art of tree climbing.

"You know we have to leave soon, right?" She started, putting her hand over mine.

"Yep. Why?"

"It's just, you really need to get together with Dan soon, okay? We don't have forever. We actually don't have very much time at all."

"December, I know, but I don't think we're meant to be together yet. Fate decides when we start dating. Plus, all this pushing us to date really isn't helping."

"I know. I just want you two to be happy, and being just friends is hurting you both. You're both literally so stupid sometimes."


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