Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Phil's P.O.V.

It had been a year, and we were finally ready. Dan and I had trained, and trained, and trained. Trained until we couldn't tell each other from December or Benny. I only knew how to use three weapons, most of my fans would think I'm too adorable for weapons. That I could never shoot a gun. Well, if it means protecting my family, hell yes. I could. I comfortably carried a shotgun, and used a spear or sword when need be. But I'm not much of a YouTuber anymore. Maybe again someday, but I think saving the world is a tiny bit more important. I told my fans that Dan and I would be gone for awhile, but we'd be back. They took it well, and I prayed none of them would find us. We can't be exposed. Not yet.

But back to weapons. Dan used a dagger, mainly, but he also uses a long sword, and a short sword. And a glock. Even if glocks aren't that good.

Oh, and another thing, my feeling haven't lessened for Dan at all. I still haven't told him, even if it's been a year, but I just don't know how.

Benny knocks on my door and and comes in quietly. He sits down on my bed and puts his hand over mine. He really should be the older one, he so much more mature than me. His thumb is gently rubbing patterns into the top of my hand as he stares at me with a knowing look.

"You still haven't told him, have you?" When the words left his mouth, I flinched but glared at him. He was teasing me. He knew I could never do that on my own. I think Dan has feelings for me, but I'm not sure. Well, if he does, he's making the first move. I'm too scared.

"You know I haven't, Benny. I don't know how." "You go up to him, and you say, 'I think you're an idiot for not realizing this sooner, but here.' And then you kiss him, full on the lips and pull away and smile and say 'I love you.' It's that easy." I glared at Benny even harder at his suggestion. He acted like he was my own mother, who I never knew, but apparently died a while ago. "Benny, you know I can't do that. I mess up my words and say something that made no sense. Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Phil, not a romantic, charming, handsome, confident dude that can do that without messing up." Benny rolled his eyes and got up, pulling me up with him. "Philly, it's been a year, Dan is in love with you, you should get this over with now." I gave him a dirty look and walked out of my room and into the kitchen, him trailing behind me. Dan was sitting at the table with December, both of them with a coffee and a book.

I read the time on the stove clock, 9:30 PM. Oh, we should get to bed soon.
"Phil, what are we going to do when we find Cortana?" Benny asked me worriedly. "We'll just ask her to help us, I guess." I replied breezily, although I had no actual idea myself of what we were to do. December watched us two interact with each other as she and Dan both drank coffee silently.

"I guess we really do have to leave tomorrow." Dan muttered into his cup, taking a sip.

"I've mapped all the possible places she could be, and I trained you and Phil to fight with multiple weapons. I think we'll be ready." "Well no duh." Dan said sarcastically. "We should head off to bed, guys." I announced, yawning. Dan gave me a sweet little smile as I stretched my arms out, getting ready to sleep. I grinned back, hoping he saw the love in my eyes. December nodded along with the all of us as we cleaned up and went to bed.

As I lay in bed, I thought of Dan, and my mother, and waffles, and how great would waffles be right now? I soon fell asleep to waffle-filled dreams.

The next morning, I got up and met with Dan at dawn. "We're ready right?" He asked me with uncertainty. "We're ready." I replied, though inside I was terrified of what would happen next. "Uh Dan?" He looked back up at me with those brown eyes, like little chocolates. "Yeah?" "I, I um, you know you're my best friend right?" He nodded and tilted his head to the side curiously like a small child. "Well, before we leave, I just wanted to tell you that I-"

"Good morning everybody!" December called as she walked down the hallway. I saw Dan glare at her harshly and she retracted into the hallway a bit, looking scared. "Did I interrupt something?" I nodded solemnly and walked away, my chance ruined. Well, that was great. I guess we weren't meant to get together yet. I saw December hitting her forehead with the palm of her head silently, as if she knew what I was going to tell Dan. Well December, this is your fault, and I'm going to sulk until you apologize to me. Ha.

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