Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Dan's P.O.V.

I put the coffe pot on, waiting for it to heat up. I really do wonder what Phil was going to tell me. I didn't mean to glare at Ember like that, I just hate it when she interrupts things. She's interrupted me every time I've tried to tell Phil I love him. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but a couple times she actually has interrupted me. She and Benny are like, really big cockblockers. It's not my fault he doesn't know, they interrupt me every time. Maybe I should ask Teagyn about this.

Ask me about what? She asked fake-sweetly, actually worrying me.

Uh, is it my fault that Phil doesn't know that I love him?

Yeah. Why?

Wait! How is it my fault?!

You're a wuss and won't tell him. I know you mope around all day, wishing he'd make the first move.

I wish I could glare at you.

Haha, you can't! I'm so lucky! Well, kind of. I get to creep on you, and you can't hurt me for it, so in that way I guess I'm lucky.

How are you not lucky?

I don't have a physical body, dumbass! If we get separated, what if I'm fat?! Oh God, what if I'm ugly?!

Why don't you conjure a mirror in there?

I tried that.


Yeah, dumbass.

Bitch. Bye.

The coffee machine beeped at me, and I made a cup for me and one for Ember. I really should be helping Benny pack, he's the last-minute type person. I've been packed for two days now. I'm literally the woman of the house. Well, aside for Ember. I remember her training me for the first time, vividly. It seemed like just yesterday. But in reality, it was almost twelve months ago. It was the first time she called me 'Danny-boy', too.

"December! I don't know how to do this!" I yelled at her as she poked me lightly with a sword. The sheath was on it for my protection.
"You gotta learn, Danny-boy." I struck back at her this time, missing and getting off balance. I fell, on my face, and heard Phil laughing behind me.
"Dan! I'm supposed to be the clumsy one!" Ha ha ha, ha. Very funny.
"Come on, Danny, get up." December said as she held a hand out to me. I rubbed my nose and took her hand, her tugging me up quickly. She was really strong.

There was also that time when...

"Ember! I don't know what I'm doing!" I shouted back at her, and shs giggled in response.
"Just shoot the gun, it's not that difficult." I squeezed the trigger, and got a shock of pain in my shoulder. The knock back waa gnarly. Ember laughed behind me, and I sighed heavily, putting the shotgun down and rubbing my arm.
"How many months have we been here, again?" I asked her curiously. It seems like just yesterday I was cooking pancakes for everyone the morning after we got here. Time flies fast.
"About," she counted silently on her fingers, "4 months. Wow, you've been here for a while now."
"Huh. I guess time flies fast when you're constantly hurting yourself while trying to learn how to fight."
"Danny! You know that's not how it goes. It's 'time flies fast when you're having fun.'"
"This is not fun. This is painful."
"Watch it, Danny-boy. I could so take you. Don't even say this isn't fun."

And that time when...

"Ember! Get off! I was joking, okay? I love your cooking!" I shrieked as she tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms to my chest.
"I told you I could taks you. I also warned you not to get on my bad side, Danny-boy." I chuckled nervously as I wondered if she would really hurt me. I hope not. Then shd slapped me playfully (and thankfully, not hard) across the face.
"That's what you get."

Ember and I really had become good friends. I guess we should have, she was ths love my life's sister. I kind of need her blessing since their mum is dead and their father doesn't care. Ah, I love Ember. She really is my best friend. Aside from Phil, of course.

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