Chapter 10

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Song Playlist:
Unknown P.O.V.

"Lynne!" I called down the hall. The girl came rushing in, waiting patiently for an order. "Get me my mist, I must check on our Travelers." Lynne nodded and fetched the spray bottle.

Being a witch, you'd think I lived in some run down shack in the middle of the woods, but no. I'm a high school chemistry teacher. The job has its perks, like me getting a choice of where I live, and having a lot of money. But the Order doesn't know how I use that money. Money is actuall quite useless here. Everbody has what they need, so money has no purpose. But I'm getting off topic. I need to see how the Travelers are doing. There are 5, and they are in so much danger that I've taken to checking on them constantly. They know their purpose, thankfully, and are on theur way to me.

Two Travelers are in the prophecy, destined to fall in love, but the pressure of the prophecy is kinda killing the mood. I hope they do realize soon that they're crazy for eachother. Sometimes your bestfriend can make the best lover. But how would I know, I'm a witch. I can't love someone, they die. I'm immortal, and humans aren't. But thankfully Lynne has a slowed aging spell on her. I can't lose her just yet. She has a destiny of her own.

I sprayed the mist around myself, getting a view of the Travelers. There they all were, December with her no-nonsense motherly ways, Benny walking with a bubbly expression beside her, and Phil and Dan having a conversation. The way they look at eachother is amazing. Dan's face full of wonder, taking in every detail if Phil's face, his eyes full if love. And when Dan replies, Phil's face fills with admiration. His eyes soften from the usual sadness they carry, and he looks relaxed and happy, for once. I've kept an eye on him his whole life, and he only looks like that around Dan. They grew up together, going to the same school, only a few grades apart. But somehow they maintained a budding friendship. Best friends forever. Literally. When Phil graduated, he took up a YouTube career, and Dan tried law. That dumbass. He didn't like it, and became a YouTuber too.

Now here they were, on their way to saving the world, and they're talking about Pokémon. Weirdos. Although it was bluntly obvious they were in love. But both of them were so dense it was going to take forever for them to get together. That and December and Benny can be really big cockblockers sometimes.

The image was starting to fade, and I saw something I was exoecting to happen. But we can worry about that later. I need to ready my de-merging spell for the twins. Poor Teagyn, trapped in his head. And poor him, not able to think without unwanted feedback. No privacy. But I don't regret what I did. Teagyn couldn't die, her destiny was all too important. And neither could Dan, he was part of the prophecy. I was left with no choice. I couldn't raise a baby; I was a young witch back then. And they were better off this way. If only Teagyn wasn't such a bitch to him.

"Mistriss Maple, do you need anything else?" I shook my head at the girl, Lynne, and bid her a good lunch break. I had to prepare. Separating the twins would take surgical prescision and more concentration more than any spell I've ever cast.

It was just hours from when they would arrive, and I was so close to being ready, it was frustrating. My mind wouldn't clear, and I couldn't force it to, no matter how much I wanted to. Spells liks this don't need material objects, really. They just need a clear mind and plently of concentration to cultivate them.

Then I heard a knock on my door.

It was time.

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