Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Dan's P.O.V.

I smiled as I ate my cereal, remembering how I comforted Phil the night before. When I woke up in Phil's bed, I almost had a heart attack. But then I looked at Phil and his face that still had tears on it. I decided to leave Phil to sleep as I knew Phil hadn't been sleeping very much recently.

You're thinking of Phil again? Teagyn asked me, and I sighed and groaned at the fact that I couldn't ignore her.

Yes, if you didn't notice, which I'm sure you did, he hasn't been sleeping very much lately and he was screaming in his sleep last night. I replied as I walked to the lounge to watch old episodes of Pokémon and think of new video ideas for my channel.

Why do you have to drag me into all your lovey-dovey thoughts? It gets tiring, you know, dealing with you and your infatuation with Phil. Teagyn said loudly in my head, making me pull at my hair in frustration.

Look, Teag, I-

Don't call me Teag. She snapped at me.

Fine, Teagyn, okay. Look, I know you hate being in my thoughts and that's all you know, but Phil could be your ticket out of my head. He might be my true love, and that means he could help us. I explained to my sister.

I guess I can put up with it for a bit longer. I don't know, it's pretty annoying.

Jeez, Teagyn, lighten up. Okay, I have to film a video now, so shut it.

Blah, blah, blah, video, video. Fine.

Teagyn may be able to read my thoughts, but she can't see what I'm doing. I walked out of the lounge and into the kitchen to make Phil breakfast, but didn't know what to make. I looked in the fridge, finding a bunch of milk and eggs, then, looking in the pantry, I found pancake mix. Teagyn, do you ever sleep? I asked as the thought came to my head.

In a way, yes. Why?

Just curious. How do you sleep?

Okay, this makes me have to explain how I live in your head, so listen up, because it's a long story.

Basically, Right now I'm sitting in this white room, with furniture and books and a laptop and all the normal stuff a bedroom should have. But there's no door. Or windows. A few months ago, I thought really hard for a few buckets of light blue paint, since that's my favorite color. The paint appeared, and when I thought it, a paint brush appeared too. So,I just live in this room by myself. And there's a bed, so I lie down and close my eyes when I feel tired or you go to sleep. That's how I sleep.

Oh. Okay. Thanks. I replied to my sister, deciding on pancakes for Phil.

I got out the mix and the bowls and utensils and started cooking. Fifteen minutes into the making of the pancakes, I was stirring the batter and getting ready to put it on, when a sneaky pair of snow-white arms snaked around my waist, making me jump and put my hand on the stove. Which was on. Very hot. "HOLY, HOLY, MY GOD, PHIL GET OFF. MY HAND IS BURNING." I yelled. Suddenly the giggling that had been sounding quietly stopped and I heard Phil muttering curse words as he went to turn on the sink with cold water.

I cradled my arm as Phil tested the water carefully. All of a sudden, Phil's hand shot out and grabbed my other wrist, dragging me towards the sink. Phil shoved my hand under the water, cooling the burns immediately. I relaxed my shoulders and turned around to thank Phil for the water, but Phil was already gone.


Just so you know, after this chapter there won't be many updates for a while. I'm really stressed and writing isn't helping anymore. I'm going to try writing ten more chapters by the end of April. Wish me luck! Seriously rn I'm litterally watching Dan and Phil doing the boss battle thingy on Donkey Kong. I'm weird. BYE BYE

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