Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

December's P.O.V.

"December," Phil started, staring at me hopelessly, "I know, but I don't think we're meant to be together yet. Fate decides when we start dating. Plus, all this pushing us to date really isn't helping." I sighed, not liking what I had to say.

"I know. I just want you two to be happy, and being just friends is hurting you both. You're both literally so stupid sometimes." It was the truth, sadly.

"Hey!" He laughed, taking it as a joke. Phew, I don't what I would have done otherwise. You know, Dan and Phil are so lucky. They love each other, and they can be with each other. I have no one. I'm alone. I've never let anyone get truly close to me before, my walls are built too strong for that. It's a lonely life, but a protected one. I know Benny isn't like this, because he loves me and Phil and even Dan too much to shut himself off from us. I don't have a choice, it's just out of habit now. I'm just glad they accept that part of me. I don't get super close to them, and they love me just the same. Of course I love them, but I've never been in love before. That's for fairy tales. And prophecies. People say life is what you make of it, I say it's all up to fate. I want to keep the light in everyone's eyes, because it doesn't deserve to be blown out

We're heading back home now, not talking, just enjoying the comfortable silence. I just noticed how tall Phil is, and how short I am. I'm a measly 5 ft 7 in. and he's a super 6 ft 1 in. Just before we reach the edge of the forest, I hear something behind me. I turn around, pulling out a sword silently.......and there is a giant snake demon right behind me and my brother, who pulls out his own sword, which he childishly named 'Lion Fury'. The demons hisses and strikes with it's barbed tail, and I jump out of the way. It's at least 8 feet long, with a green and orange zig zag pattern running along it's back and black and white stripes down its exposed belly. I see the week point and strike, but this thing is too fast for me. I slithers down, and glares at me through narrowed, purple eyes with a pupil so thin it's almost not there.

Suddenly its eyes widen, and I remember that my brother in fact knows how to use a sword. The demon also seemed to have forgot this, and shriveled up as the wound through its head gushed black blood. I look up and smile at Phil, who is trying to wipe his sword off on a leaf. I put mine back in its sheath and walk over to him, clapping a hand over his back.

"Good job Phil, now can we go?" He nods, and I lead the way back. Just before the clearing to the cabin opens up, I feel another prescence behind us. This one is bigger. I look behind me, expecting Benny and Dan to be playing a trick, but what I see is so much worse. There is a lizard demon staring back at me, and I know this is definitely not my day today. Its front talons are sharp and black, while its body and head are alternating between blue and green. Its cold eyes are midnight blue, and angry. It snorts and lunges at me, somehow forgetting Phil is right behind it. Soon enough Phil stabs it just like the snake demon, and it shrivels up and out of existence.

"Okay, we're running back; I don't want to fight anymore creepy things."

"'Kay, DeeDee." Oh right, the nickname of doom. Phil literally calls me DeeDee, since Ember is already taken. But I know how to get him back.

"'Kay, PheePhee."

"Oh no! Not that nickname!"

"You brought this on yourself, 'PheePhee'." He groaned at my antics and we started running back, me cooing at him cheekily when he started to get out of breath.

"Is little PheePhee tired?" I asked fake-sweetly, and he groaned again.

"Stop it."

"Make me." By now we were just behind the cabin, in front of the lounge window, which was a huge window, by the way, and he tackled me.

"Okay, DeeDee." He said fake-sweetly, pinning me to the ground. But the thing is, I'm stronger than him. By a lot.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I rushed. I then hitched my leg behind his knee and flipped us over, pinning his wrists next to his head on either side, finishing my sentence, "PheePhee." He glared at me and I laughed, hearing Dan and Benny's laughter following suite.

"Oh come on, not fair!" He whined beneath me, trying to move his arms. I tightened my grip, replying.

"Life isn't fair, PheePhee."

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