Chapter 2

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By then time I reached the gate I am completely out of breath. I walk into the house and slam the door shut. "Pony? Is that you?" Asked Darry. "Yeah. Its me." I replied out of breath. "PONYBOY!!!!!!" I hear a girl scream followed by heavy footsteps like running towards my direction. I look up and see a brown headed girl running towards me with her arms out in a hugging position. she tackles me to the ground. we get up and I recognize who she is. "Lila!?" I say shocked. "yeah that's me." She says with a bright smile across her face. "Omg. Lila I haven't seen you in forever!" I say hugging her. Lila is dally's sister that is my age. we have been best friends until she ran away after dally got arrest. "Lila I have missed you so much!" "I missed you too pony!" We stair at each other for a few minutes then dally walks in. "hey movie time!" "Alright!" Says Darry from the kitchen. "Soda,two-but,and Steve will meet us there." dally says. ~*~ time lapse to the movies ~*~. Me and Lila sit behind a girl with red hair. dally and the others went off somewhere else but I don't know were. "cherry?" Asked Lila. the girl turns around and hugs lila. "Lila! Hi!" Says the girl. "Cherry this is my best friend Ponyboy Curtis." I wave. "It's nice to meet you ponyboy. I'm sherry but my friends call me cherry cus my hair." Just then dally comes up and stars flirting with cherry." Do you like greasers?" He asked with sarcastic voice. "Back off hood." she says a little annoyed. "can I get your number or something?" asked Dally. "I said back off hood!" She says. "if you wanna be nice then back off." Cherry says. "Okay then..." dally starts to leave but then goes back to scare cherry and Marcia. they both jump and Lila yells at him. "dally! Stop it." "oh so dally winsten." that's how you wanna go? I will call the cops." cherry says. "oh the cops I'm so scared." he says sarcastically. "Dal will you leave them alone?" I say. "fine I will leave them alone." he gets up and leaves. "thanks maybe you should sit up here with me." cherry says smiling. I climb over the seat forgetting about lila. Lila's POV. I got mad at pony for leaving me to sit with my friend but I mean I can't stay mad. after he was seated and talking to cherry a hand covered my mouth and I couldn't talk. a voice sated in my ear "he took what we we will take what he likes and you better not do anything." the voice pulled me out of my chair and dragged me into a car but I couldn't tell what color. next thing I know I saw everything go black.

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