Chapter 6

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Ponyboy's POV
~*~next day~*~
I walked into my bedroom to see Lila still asleep. she is so cute when she is sleeping. I sit down on the edge of the bed and look at her while stoking her hair. the light from the outsides shines through the blinds making the room golden,like a dream. Lila woke up,her eyes filled with golden sunlight. "good morning." I said softly while smiling still stroking her hair. "morning." she says the same way I did but way cuter. "what are you looking at?" Lila asks. "you." I reply with a smile.i haven't been this happy since Johnny died. Lila smiles. "wanna do something if your up to it?" I ask. I know she is still in pain but I wanna do something with her. "I wanna go out for a walk." she replies. "I still ache so can you get me some pain pills?" She says trying to get up but letting out a little moan. "sure." I walk out getting the pills and some water. "here." I say giving her the pills and water. "Thanks." she says taking them and swallowing the pills.
~*~20 minutes later~*~
The pills kicked in. I can tell because she is really loopy,funny,and crazy. like more then she has ever been. she is dancing and I am on the floor laughing.
"Wanna go on that walk now?" I ask and she nods and we walk out the door. we walk to the park and see Bob,randy, and the other socs. "lila-" I say. "stay close to me and don't do anything stupid. the socs are bad and they are drunk right now." I say holding her wast. "okay." she says coming closer to me. her pills are wearing off because she isn't in a high pitch voice anymore. "well, well, well." Bob says holding his drink. "who's this fine broad?" Asks randy. "my girlfriend." I said pulling her closer to me. I didn't notice Dallas until I turn my head and he is walking up. "since we didn't teach you a good enough lesson I think we outta teach you a better one now." Bob says. "get em'!" He yells while chasing me and lila. he comes after me with randy and 2 other guys and dunk me in the fountain. 2 other guys get Lila and beat her to the ground. "Pony!" She yells before she gets kicked. I get dunked into the fountain. Randy takes my collar and forces my head in to the tourism and starts to drown me. when I get the chance to get air I cough and spatter. I get a quick look at Lila getting beat and I scream getting a huge gulp of water in me mouth. I come back up 20 seconds later and see dally. Pushing the guys off of lila. I get dunked again and everything goes black.

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