Chapter 8

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Ponyboy's POV
I woke up with a blurry vision. I finally get my eyes to focus and I see soda and Darry sitting in the corner chair of the hospital. I moan and they get up. "hey pony." soda says quietly. "Ponyboy you got lucky, this time." Darry says in a stern voice."what do you mean?" I say squinting from the bright light. "you ran out and drank all the beers at 2 am this morning. then you blacked out and almost died." soda says. "yea next time you do that the court might put you in a boys home." Darry says pointing at me. "well is Lila okay?" I ask trying to change the subject. "I guess she kinda woke up like 5 hours ago. but she went back to sleep. all she did was just mumble in her sleep." soda says. it's now 5 pm so I was out for the whole day. I groan and cover my eyes with my hand. the nurse walks in and tells me I can go home now if I want. Darry and soda help me out of bed and we go home.
~*~ at home ~*~
I walk in to see Lila up. I walk over to her and sit down. "hey." I say to her and she just looks at me. "what happened?" She says. "socs jumped us and I got so mad I drank through my problems and almost died." I chuckle. she laughs a little. "I am gonna go to bed. my head hurts like crazy." I said kissing her on the check. I walk to to bed and go to bed.

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