Chapter 5

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Pony boy's POV
I fell to the ground crying. Dally,darry,and soda ran up to me.
"No,no,no." dally said sinking to the ground clutching his hair. tears are in everyone's eyes now.
I look down at Lila. Her eyes closed and blood running down her neck. I can't have a repeat of Johnny's death. Darry walks over to Bob and hold him against the wall while Dallas and two-bit pick up lila. Soda puts his hand on my shoulder. "She's gonna be okay pony." he whispers into my ear. I get up from the floor with blood on my hands.
~*~ time lapse ~*~
When we arrive at the hospital we are met by two-bit. "Lila isn't looking so good." he says in a low voice. tears stream down my face again. "can we see her?" Asks Darry. two-but nods and we follow him to her room. dally is holding her hand crying. she is hooked up to some mechanics. the bruises and cuts on her also impacted the gunshot. she lost a lot of blood. I walk rover to her and dally looks up at me. I stroke her hair whispering stuff that I like about her."i always will love you. you are my best friend and I wanted to be more then best friends." I paused and everyone once again had tears in their eyes.
It was really late and I started to fall asleep in the chair next to her bed. everyone was in the cafe eating but I wanted to stay even though I was starving. our favorite pome was Nothing Gold Can Stay. Johnny also liked it. I started whispering it.
"Natures first green is gold. her hardest hue to hold. her early leafs a flower. but only do an hour. then leaf subsides to leaf. Eden sank to grief. so dawn goes down to day.-" something caught my attention. "Nothing gold can stay." said a weak cracked voice.
My eyes widened. "Lila?" I ask. she turns her head and gives me a weak smile. I run over to her and hug her.
She moans a little and I back off. "Lila I'm so happy your okay." I say with a huge smile and tears of joy running down my face. just then everyone walks In. "ponyboy we got you some food." Soda says holding up the small white bag. The only person who realized Lila was up was Dallas. he runs over to her and hugs her. then Darry notices. soon everyone is surrounding her.
~*~time lapse ~*~
It's a week later and Lila is at home. since everyone is at their jobs I am the only one that has to take care of Lila. I kinda like it. just me and her,helping her. it's nice. we take turns sometimes but it's mostly me or dally or once in a while Darry. "ponyboy." Lila calls from my bed. I walk over to her to see what's wrong. "what's wrong Lila?" "Nothing...i just wanted to see you." She replies sweetly. I blush a little and sit on the edge of the bed. "you know when you were saying what you liked about me back in the hospital," she said. "I heard it." I was shocked. "r-really?" I say a little embarrassed. "yea and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe have a date or be my boyfriend?" She said smiling.i was in total shock. the outside of my was "sure" but the inside of my was like a 14 year old fan girl. "yes. I would love that." I said calmly leaning in giving her a kiss on the forehead. "get some rest now." I say leaving the room. "okay. I love you ponyboy." i love you too" I say shutting off the light and quietly closing the door.

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