Chapter 17

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Dallas' POV
I'm such an asshole. I promised Lila I would never hurt her and always protect her but I blew it by slapping her. he was so scared. I made it a promise from the day dad hit us. I was 9 and she was 5.
I walked into the living room and heard screaming and crying. I ran over to see my dad shaking and hitting lila. pulling her by her hair. tears falling down her face and the scared look in her eyes. I pulled him off of her and held her in my arms. rocking her back and forth away from dad. "it's alright baby girl. he ain't gonna hurt you no more." I told her. "I won't let anyone touch you or hurt you from now on. I love you." I said to her running to the nearest hospital. Then she passed out cold before we got there.
~*~flashback over~*~
I had a real soft spot for her like I did and still do Johnny. I started walking to the Curtis home so I could make things right but everyone was screaming and shouting and hitting each other. what has happened to us?

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