Chapter 16

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Ponyboy's POV
I sat in my room with the door locked. I got Lila pregnant. Dally slapped her,hard and she took off. I should go find her. I started walking downstairs and heard yelling and saw the whole gang fighting and Darry screaming pointing his figures at them. All of them screaming and pushing and hitting each other. what have we done?
Lilas POV
I was still under the tree getting cold. I knew this would happen. I start to walk back to pints house after about an hour of leaving them. I heard screaming and shouting and things getting knocked over. I snuck in the back door and no one saw me lucky. I walked into ponys room and say him sitting by his desk. I at on the bed and he kept looking out the window. "hi." I said quietly. "hi." he said still looking out the window. "I am sorry. you can break up with me now if you want. it's all my fault." I said holding back tears. he turns around and hugs me. "I don't hate you and I am also sorry I did this to you. I don't want to break up." he says looking at me gently cupping my cheek that dal hit. his eyes sparkled and I got lost in them. he kissed my forehead and smiled. I smiled back. "okay." I said sweetly. "the whole gang if fighting now and dally scared me." I said resting u head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist. he stroked my hair. " I know. we will fix this. I promise." he said and that's the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep.

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