All set! |28|

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You wanted a battle
I'll give you a war.

Jungkook got off his horse at the entrance of the royal palace and halted beside Yn as she and Jimin did the same. All three of them started sprinting while the ministers stood there to welcome them. Paying no heed to any of them, Yn barreled with long steps towards the west tower and started going up the stairs.

Standing at the balcony of the west tower, they could see a huge mass of white tents that had almost covered the entire foot of the hill range of the north-west region. 

It looked like a small city of its own with wild Yaks and horses tied at its edge creating a border for them.

" They have planned this for long enough, they definitely knew that at this period of year Alsace would be weak with most of their soldiers busy with training of hwarangdo

Jimin spoke observing keenly.

" They have enslaved fifty womens and young girls and have broke into liquor and food shops to threaten netizens and to arrange for their inventory, your highness" 

Someone among the ministers who were following them stated as Yn glared at him.

It was In Gook-do, defense minister of Alsace.

Yn grabbed his collar and started yelling at him.

" Enslaved?? Theft?? Two days….mere two days and the ministers weren't able to protect their own motherland? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL DOING HUH, WERE YOUR HANDS TIED???" She visibly shook his frame while he held his eyes on the ground.

" These Ishioka clan could bring an army almost the size of Gong-sadun(the largest state of Alsace) and these 'elite and powerful'  officers were busy doing WHAT?" 

She spat while looking at the other officials, she turned to Gook-do again and planted a tight slap with full swing of her hand.

Silence followed after the sound of skin clapping echoed in the air. 

"Useless piece of shit" she muttered, gritting her teeth. "Your highness" a shocked and terrified voice of Jungkook merged as Yn glared at him. "Sorry.." he mumbled, bowing down respectfully.

" Send the peace adviser and ask about all the wants of Ishioka, also all of you and the rest of the officials are ordered to be present at the royal court in one hour" she authorised in a loud voice and walked away from there. 

After meeting her parents and consoling them she made her way to the library where all the army officials had followed her including Jungkook. Taking out the map and clay figures she inclined the figures on the map.

A semi curve on the side of the palace and then ten rows ahead of it. Elephants at the side and horses in front creating a barrier. She arranged them neatly over the map. She explained how many types of formations would be needed for the army to create, so that they can defeat the huge army of Ishioka. 

She analyzed the number of soldiers to be guarding the kingdom and the palace etc.

After some time the peace maker returned and everyone was immediately summoned to the assembly. As soon as they settled down, the announcer came with a scroll in the middle and  waited for further instructions.

"Did they agree on the peace proposal?" Yn questioned.

"They had sent a letter with their conditions" he stated looking at the feets of the Queen.

"Go ahead" she ordered.


Italics are Yn's thought and action.

The announcer unfolded the scroll and started reading it… 

"Raku Ishioka greets the Queen of Alsace, 

As you must know that we have abducted the poor womens of your kingdom and don't worry… we are taking good care of them.

Yn's hand clenched on the hand rest.

And you must very well know that our force is unfaltered in front of yours. So there is no gain in fighting and losing people in your country.

However, even if you're looking forward to such a thing then make sure to send real men. Don't bother to bring ladies of your womanized kingdom, we don't want to create any harm to those beautiful damsels in distress.

You wanna know the real power of women??

I'll make sure that you realize how terrifying they can get if they stop caring about others.

However, even if you want to free the women kidnapped by us, there is the most peaceful way for it. No harm to your citizens, kingdom and soldiers would be done.

We just have one condition! 

Condition?  What kind of condition is that?

That they are ready to let go of their efforts of challenging us.

I humbly request the Queen to provide us with 60% of Alsace agricultural land near the mountains and …..

The announcer stopped abruptly and looked down, hesitating to speak further.

"And..?" She urged him to speak. However, he didn't dared to do so.

"As your Queen I order you to speak" she raised her voice as shivers ran down through everyone present there.

The announcer hesitatingly continued-

" A-and…be a h-harlot for a-all the s-oldiers of Ishioka c-clan herself, because a girl doesn't suits a throne"

Jungkook lost control over his temper and pulled out his sword but was interrupted by a clear authoritative voice.

"Kim Shin" a warning echoed by Yn.

He wanted to repudiate her order but didn't have the authority, so he drew his sword back. 

"They want me to meet them… I will!" 

Gasps escaped by everyone as they turned wide eyed, looking at her.

" At the battle ground" she said and left the royal assembly and went somewhere nobody knew about. 



Feminism to take over guysss🤣🤣

Though I've never left it. But just me getting excited for upcoming chapters.

A vote makes my day✨




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