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– HERSHEL WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. It had been two hours since he was last seen. Currently, Emerson was digging through his drawers. She knew exactly what to look for.

And luckily, she found it. "Look's like Hershel Greene wasn't so innocent after all."

She held up a flask to Rick and Silas. She shook it and found that it was empty before tossing it to Rick.

Maggie sighed. "My grandfather gave that to dad before he died. He gave it up the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house."

"He probably went to the bar in town. If I just watched some asshole wipe out my family, that's where I'd be." Silas suggested.

Rick nodded at him, agreeing. "What's the bar in town?"

"Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days." Maggie replied.

"Well boys, looks like we're going on a bear hunt." Emerson said, trying to lighten the mood.

Glenn smiled at her failed attempt, while Silas, like always, rolled his eyes and nudged her in the ribcage.

"I don't want you goin'." Rick told her. "Just me, I'll go."

"What? You're not going alone." Emerson argued.

"I'll go. I've seen the place." Glenn said, trying to reassure Emerson.

Silas then said, "And I'll come too. You might need some backup."

"Good thinkin'. Thank you guys."

Emerson huffed, but watched the three of them walk out. "Come on, let's go say see ya later to the Three Stooges." She said to Maggie.

They followed them outside and watched them prepare to leave.

Emerson hugged Silas tightly. "It's a mile there and a mile back. If you guys aren't back before dark, I'm coming to get you."

"Wouldn't blame you if you did." Silas told her, gripping her tightly. "I'll be back soon. Love you."

"Love you too, Si."

After Carl said goodbye to Rick, Emerson walked over to him. "You bring him back in one piece, you hear me? I can't be there to protect him."

"Don't worry. We can handle this." Rick told her. "We'll be in and out, back within the hour."

Emerson looked at the man. She noticed that Lori didn't come out.

"Keep an eye on things while I'm gone, will ya?" Rick asked her, glancing to Shane who stood on the porch. "Make sure he doesn't do anything else that's stupid."

"You know I will." Emerson told him. "What we should do is throw his ass out on the street."

Rick thought about it for a moment. "We'll talk about it when we get back. It's up to Hershel if he wants Shane here or not."

REMEMBER ME HAPPY | r. grimesWhere stories live. Discover now