Act 3

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*Sector 09*

*Patrol Team Bravo*

*Status: Investigating*

M249 SAW: Can we go home now? We've been searching forever.

Galil: It's only been like around 15 minutes since we landed. There got to be more here.

It has been 15 minutes since the trio landed next to the area of where the unknown signal was transmitted. But all they found is just some dead Vespids with a rifle shot on each of the unit's heads. From the commander's knowledge she has not deployed any units to that area of the sector at all so finding dead SF units is a surprise.

Gsh-18: It could just be some scavengers of some bandits that wander to the area, they could be just using some underrated cheap radio signal.

Galil: If they were bandits then they must have some high class gear, come look at this you two.

SAW and Gsh-18 gather around Galil who is holding a spent brass of a weapon.

Galil: This my friends is a spent casing of a .308 Lapua Magnum. Only specialized rifles can fire this kind of ammunition. And those that can are only given to special units in small numbers.

Galil tosses the spend casing over to Saw who then inspect the special brass.

M249 SAW: So what you are saying is that, the people who transmitted the unknown signal are probably an elite unit of soldiers.

Gsh-18: But that's impossible, the only special units that we know of is just propaganda of the military. And we don't have any T-Dolls station here that fires this type of ammunition.

Galil: Correct, and it is still slightly warm. Plus the kills look fresh. Which means our target is properly still nearby or around our area.

M249 SAW: But sector 09 is big! It will take hours to find a clue on whe-

<<Gentiane: Galil? Galil, do you copy?>>

Galil:You were saying SAW?

M249 SAW: Nevermind.

Galil: I hear you commander, what is it?

<<Gentiane: Listen, our pilot has seen a small number of SF units just North-East of your position. They seem to be engaging someone who is talking cover in the old ruins. I want your team to get there and find out what's going on.>>

Galil: Copy Commander, we will get it done.

<<Gentiane: Just be careful over there, commander out>>

Galil: You hear that everyone? Sounds like who we are looking for is taking shelter in the old ruins North-East of us. Let go girls!

M249 SAW: Why do I agree to go on this mission late in the day?

Gsh-18: Relax SAW, maybe after this we get at least the weekend off.

M249 SAW: I hope so.

In the old ruins...


A railgun shot flies just over head of where Spear was taking cover from.

Agent Spear: They just keep on coming!

Agent Spear was being sieged right now, she expected to be tailed by those androids that Jack was talking about after using a transmission that everyone could see. She set up a proper kill zone and got a vantage point in the old ruins, but it seems that they never end. As soon one is put down another one takes their place, round after round into the patrol and they still keep it coming. And to make matters worse she is almost out of her DSR-1 ammo, she could use her Tac-50, but with the number of enemies and with only 14 rounds of HVAP only luck would get her out of this situation.

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