Act 12

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Ringing is all he can hear when he is able to open his eyes. Edward could remember the last thing he sees is the ground rushing towards him as the chopper crashes. His head hurt really badly as he placed his hand on it. His vision is very blurry and can only make out silhouettes of his team. He then felt someone behind him drag him away from the crash site and pull him into cover. He tries to see who it is but he is struggling to stay awake where the pain in his head slowly takes over. He can only hear muffled voices.

*Muffled Voice:*

Agent Bear: Is everyone alright?

GM6 Lynx: I'm alright.

ST AR15: Scratched up but fine.

M4A1: I'm good but Edward is barely awake. Edward, please stay with us.

He tried to talk but before a word could come out of his mouth, his watch rang with an urgent notification to the team.


GM6 Lynx: They are here already?!

ST AR15; We got to leave now!

Agent Bear: M4 pick up Edward and I'll carry his bag! Everyone fall back north towards the city, come on we can lose SF in the buildings!

Edward then felt his body being lifted up from the ground and the muffled voices soon turned into heavy footsteps hitting old city streets as his eyes slowly closed once more until all he saw was darkness. Back with team one, they are still making their way over to the downed helicopter to help team two. Along the way they get a notification from ISAC as they near SF occupied territory.


Jack, who was ahead of the group, stopped right at his feet and looked down at his watch to see if ISAC was right. SOP, Spear, MG4, and USAS all stopped right behind him.

SOPMOD 2: Why are we stopping? We have to go save them!

Agent Jack: I'm getting some communication interference here.

Agent Spear: Same here and It seems to get even stronger the closer we get to that crash site.

MG4: But that's impossible, the leftover SF forces can't possibly make a jammer on their own.

USAS-12: And you said it's going to be an easy mission MG4.

MG4: I said it "should" be easy, I did not say-

Agent Jack: Now not the time to argue with you two. Commander, do you read us?

His communication device lights up and a scratchy but clear voice comes through the comms.

<<Gentiane: Finally! I have been trying to reach you for a long time through this interference. Listen we have a situation here.>>

Agent Jack: I know, when we are approaching the crash site we encounter some EM interference the closer we are near the SF territory. We suspect that SF has established a short range EMP jammer in our area of operation.

<<Gentiane: I can hear that, but we have a problem that just came through from high command.>>

SOPMOD 2: What is it commander?

<<Gentiane: Satellite imagery has shown a lot more SF units than a few hours ago, the bad news is that these SF units are more organized then before, the really bad news is that a new ringleader has occupied this sector. Code name "Intruder">>

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